That’s what my brain wants to know.

Edit: I know you would die, but I need someone to put together a Mythbusters-esque test with a pig stomach or something.

More important edit: DO NOT DO THIS DUMBASSES

    9 months ago

    Well I don’t know about drinking ammonia and bleach but I have heard about a child who drank bleach in the 60s? 70s? She was about 5 y/o back then and was playing with my mother (also a child at the time). They found some old bottles in a shed and the friend wanted to show off she could have a drink like a grown-up… So she drank it thinking it was vodka or something. It was about a cm or so at bottom of the bottle, something about a mouthful. A few minutes later she started feeling sick, pain in her stomach, so they told her parents, who immediately rushed to the hospital.

    They had to wash her whole digestive system, intestines and stomach included.

    She survived. The interesting part and the reason I always remember the story is that when the doctors washed her guts, they found a dead tapeworm. The bleach killed it. And the hospital staff gave it back to her in a jar haha. What a souvenir.