Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians
Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians
Imagine driving like an asshole got cars banned in your area.
Worse, they’ll probably make people jump through unnecessary hoops (licensing, testing and so on) for people to use them and it will become out of reach for most, due to affordability.
I mean it would be great to have people educated on rules etc of course, but imho that should be something done as free public service.
I think you missed my point. The joke is the idea that one asshole driver spoils the ability to drive for anyone else, shitting on the statement “Don’t ride like an asshole or you might get ebikes banned in your area”. Replace with “Don’t drive like an asshole or you might get cars banned in your area” with the same logic. Would never happen, because fuck this system and our infrastructure strictly designed to benefit oil companies.
Oh I got your point, which exactly leads to the fact that it would just become another enterprise to capitalise on, instead of banning anything, using shitty behaviour as an excuse to do so.
Edit; i.e. if you wanna ride a bike, well us politicians have decided that you need to do xyz first, but don’t worry, my buddy offers x, my 2nd cousin does y and my wife actually has offers on z ATM. Don’t look at us, it’s because Billy over there didn’t have his helmet on last year cu he’s an asshole.
Time for Big E-bike to start an anti-“jaydriving” propaganda campaign.
Weird, first time I’m hearing the term “jaydriving”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay-driver
Certainly we would need better public transit when cars are banned from my entire state.
Until people misbehave sufficiently to get the public transit banned
Everyone walks or rides a bicycle, I love it!