Bwahahahaha get fucked you unbearable scumsucking dork

I mean just look at his fucking sentence construction with the rule of three and the cute internal rhyme/alliteration on “ideology/inevitability/individual”

I’m sorry, and this isn’t massively SneerClub except insofar as the death bit is obviously very Yud-coded, it’s just this quote came up again in the middle of a long and really bleak article, and for whatever reason I just burst out laughing

He’s always so goddamn indignant, like he’s being bullied for his lunch money but he came prepped with the most badass comebacks he could think of in the mirror - I mean seriously, read the quote back to yourself out loud and see if it would ever work outside “an online libertarian journal”, let alone on a stage

Look at his fucking face, how does this guy get up in the morning and not only take himself seriously, but take himself that goddamn seriously


    8 months ago

    @raktheundead @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM I literally sat here with my mouth open after reading that Elon Musk has been trying to build a master race by impregnating 11 women (so far!) with his own semen, like some kind of Boys From Brazil project.

    Why is this not more widely reported? Maybe because it sounds impossible, like an insane conspiracy theory. I could not believe it. But it’s true.

      8 months ago

      He has 10 surviving kids, not that many partners iirc (but don’t look into the age gaps for his partners if you don’t want to see a creepy pattern, but I try not to focus on his exes that much, as while some of them post sneerworthy content I don’t think ‘being an ex of a billionaire shithead’ makes people a valid sneertarget for their silly rightwing SV opinions). But yeah it is strange how often that kind of light eugenics stuff comes up. (See also Epstein) Combined with his anti immigrant stances and SA background it is a pretty bad. (What is also creepy about the man how he is dragging X (who he is in a custody battle over) to all his events, and that is basically the only kid you see him in public with. But as far as Musk goes, he really is the odd one out of the bunch, as he really seems to believe a lot of the dumb shit the mega rich peddle to other people, like the meritocracy. You can also see just how little he understood of all of this by his stances on paperclip AGI ‘just make them not kill humans’ [sounds of Yud crying]. And the we might be in a simulation argument (of which he takes the ancestor simulation part to argue that we live most likely in a simulation (iirc the og argument goes to ‘we might’ and doesn’t try to argue we prob do (which is a different and dumber argument)).

      And say what you want about Thiel at least he isn’t’ trying to breed a race of mini-Thiels (he just educates them).