I am sorry, but this is a long one.

Tldr: Seemingly interested, Cute coworker asks for my number a day and a half after meeting her, claims to want to learn Linux from me. We go out to do that supposedly, but she ends up expecting us to do separate things until she can’t for reasons. We chat the rest of the night. No Linux lessons learned, no separate work done, she doesn’t appear interested in me in that way from what I interpreted. It was a fun chat and she wants to do it again. What the fuck is going on?

Long version: I work in the tech industry and I have a cute coworker I just met who I for the life of me cannot tell what it is she wants.

Back story: my company has two buildings close by to each other that works with servers. I can’t say what exactly we do but it isn’t super relevant. However, she works at one building and I the other. I had to go over to her building and help out as we were limited on work to do at ours. She is in a technical/managing role and I am a step or two below her.

When helping out, I meet her and she seems enthusiastic to have my help. That’s normal. However, throughout the day she starts to ask me about the tasks and is seemingly testing my skills as well as asking questions she may not have the answer to. We work on completely different systems at the two buildings so there are things to learn from both sides. She is also newish to her role.

First of all, she is really cute/intelligent and of course I am interested in helping her with her little side projects when the main tasks are done/waiting. So she keeps asking me for help on two person tasks. Cool, no complaints there. I am good at my job and she can see that. She seems to be rather friendly after the first day. I go home and have my weekend.

As we are slow still at my building, I volunteer to go help her building because I kinda wanted to see her again. So I ask a manager on their side and they are happy to have my help. She saw my comment about coming over in our work chat and “Hearted” it. I go over and start to help.

She tells me “it is so great to have you here, you make my job so much easier” in what can only describe as an appreciative sigh. Her current staff is new and still missing the skills needed to properly troubleshoot all the types of errors we have. Now, me being a Lemmy user, I have almost a decade of Linux experience under my belt like we all do. I tell her this as it is a very useful skill set in our line of work. She seems surprised and impressed, she wants to learn Linux. I offer if she ever wants to learn, I would be happy to show her.

A few hours of helping later, she walks up to me in the most focused expression I have seen out of her and she asks for my number and if I wanted to get together one day at a library and show her how to use Linux. I was quite startled she asked for my number because I was going to ask her the same thing later in the day. So I said sure, went to lunch dumbfounded and came back with my number on a sheet of paper.

She was very friendly to me the rest of the day. We work out a choice between Monday and Wednesday but she kept using the plural form of days implying this would keep happening.

Cut to Monday and we get together but she seems to want to work on her own thing while I do my own in proximity of each other? She ends up not being able to do her thing for some reason and so we just chat for the next few hours. It was a great chat, some of the most fun I have had in a while. However, she clearly didn’t expect to be doing that and seemed to be disappointed we couldn’t work on our own things and apologized for it.

She had fun, I could see she enjoyed our talk. However, what I couldn’t see was interest in me. You can sometimes tell when someone is interested by how they look at you and respond to the things you do.

The thing that bothers me is that I don’t understand what her goal was. Did she use the excuse of Linux to get close to me? Did she actually only just want to learn Linux and assumed there was no other purpose to our meeting? If so, why didn’t we just do that instead? Why did she want to get together to work on entirely unrelated projects? Why is she interested in doing it again?

I don’t know if I am just stupid and missing something. Maybe she really only just wants to learn Linux so she can be better at her job, she is the type of person to do that. It just bothers me that I can’t see much rhyme or reason in her actions. If she was entirely self motivated to learn from me only, then why not just do that? Why ask me for my number if you didn’t want to do the thing you suggested in the first place? I am just so lost.

Edit: princessleiascat reminded me of something. A week prior to me meeting her, one of my coworkers was learning under her when he went to go help out. Apparently a guy came up to her while this happened and asked her out. She turned him down for the reason it would be inappropriate for her to date someone where there is this power dynamic.

My coworker told me this and that might be the nail in my coffin. However, it is also possible she just used it as an excuse to not have to deal with turning him down more harshly. I could believe both things. Hense more confusion, why make an exception to hang out with me then?

  • blazeknave@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Sounds like you have a great new friend. Engage in hobbies together and hangout. If there’s chemistry, things will happen naturally. But don’t make it weird. Accept she’s a whole person, not just a “potential mate” and do the same as if it were a dude.

  • PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works
    8 months ago

    I’m a woman in an 80% male profession fwiw. I’m trying to put myself in her situation but obviously all I have to go on is what you’ve said here.

    I end up at 2 possible things:

    She really wants to learn the work and do it on her own, but she’s still not confident enough to not have someone check her work. She can ask you questions and not feel judged in front of her co-workers at a new job. That’s huge - no telling what her experience there has been like so far. Additionally, while you’re there if any fires pop up, she can count on you to help while she’s genuinely trying to get better at the job herself.

    This does not mean that she’s not interested in you - just that her #1 priority is her job performance right now and she’s doing what she has to do to make that happen. It doesn’t mean she’s using you in a malicious manner.

    She does like you, and there could be some of #1 mixed in here too, but she doesn’t want to be too obvious in front of her new co-workers and/or have a relationship with a co-worker at a new job. It could also look like she’s doing it solely to try to get ahead, something that women do get accused of. She probably feels awkward and doesn’t know how to behave…she’s afraid of people she wants to impress thinking badly of her, for whatever reason.

    My advice would be to continue to help and be her friend, but also try to figure out what things are like for her at her job. Does she have any coworkers she likes? Dislikes? Find out why. Is her boss a demanding asshole? That could say a lot.

    Don’t rush it and let her get settled in a bit. IMO she’ll appreciate it and it won’t be as jarring as “so are you into me or what?”…please do not do that, especially if she’s already insecure about her job.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      Looks like you were right, she definitely feels frustrated about being doubted and made to feel stupid. Hasn’t given specifics yet, but I am sure I can get her talking at some point. She said she appreciates being able to bounce ideas off of me without worrying about the above. Good start I would say.

      If this shit is what women have to deal with constantly, I am not surprised there are so few of them in my field. Why can’t we all just get along?

      • PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works
        8 months ago

        Because of the reasons she’s already told you:

        • Bounce ideas off of a coworker without having to worry that you have ulterior motives
        • Be appreciated for her work
        • Be treated as an equal and not as a conquest

        I hope things work out :)

        • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
          8 months ago

          Edit: after a deep conversation with her I am beginning to think what I suggested is probably a bad move and I should just stick to the course you recommended. She told me she likes me because of how I act and the things I do and and most important to this conversation, the things I don’t. She doesn’t believe I have any ulterior motives. Which I am not sure that is the case as I am interested, but I guess I will not ask her. That seems like it would just kill our current relationship. If it happens at all, it will just be natural.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      This is a very good take. She had told me that she feels imposter syndrome and that she enjoys talking to me. It would also explain some of her behavior. As I work in the tech field, just about everyone has imposter syndrome, so I reassured her that she is great at her job and she’s got this. She really is good at it and I hope she knows it.

      I don’t think she is using me in a malicious manner, I mean, I did technically offer that I would teach her. I was just surprised she took up the offer.

      Although you reminded me of something. A week prior to me meeting her, one of my coworkers was learning under her when he went to go help out. Apparently a guy came up to her while this happened and asked her out. She turned him down for the reason it would be inappropriate for her to date someone where there is this power dynamic.

      My coworker told me this and that might be the nail in my coffin. However, it is also possible she just used it as an excuse to not have to deal with turning him down more harshly. I could believe both things. Hense more confusion, why make an exception to hang out with me then?

      • PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works
        8 months ago

        A week prior to me meeting her, one of my coworkers was learning under her when he went to go help out. Apparently a guy came up to her while this happened and asked her out. She turned him down for the reason it would be inappropriate for her to date someone where there is this power dynamic.

        That’s huge - so she’s already had a negative experience there because of what that guy did.

        It’s not necessarily a nail in your coffin - I don’t know what your dynamic is like wrt your jobs, but there’s a chance the other guy appeared out of nowhere & did make her uncomfortable.

        There’s also the chance that if he’s a manager or someone with authority, that yeah - that definitely isn’t great at work for her if things turn sour. It’s not an equal relationship.

        Try to stop thinking of it like getting her to go out with you is your end goal. Make your goal to be to help her have a positive experience when you’re with her and as a result, at her job.

        If you get to be friendly and joke around and find out that you naturally mesh well together, any potential relationship that develops would be more natural and equal. It would be “Hey I like hanging out with you, we should do this more” instead of “Hey girl, I don’t know you but wanna go out?” She wouldn’t be put on the spot in an uncomfortable situation while trying to maintain a good reputation among her coworkers.

        She could also still be paranoid about what that guy did - “does he hate me? Does he talk bad about me because I turned him down? omg he’s higher up than me…what if he ends up being my boss one day?” etc etc etc

        I know that’s what I would be doing because yay anxiety, but of course I’m just speculating there.

        Just be cool and focus on making her feel comfortable around you for a time with no pressure. After that, feel things out and decide if you want to take the next step.

        • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
          8 months ago

          I would like to say you have been very helpful and I think have settled on taking your advice. No matter how this ends, I could still end up with a good friend. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be a bit disappointed though. However, that’s life and she has no obligation to me.

          Also I have no idea who the guy was or what role he played to her. I assumed it was a lower level employee but you bring up a good point there.

    • intensely_human@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      My interpretation was:

      • She wanted help learning linux
      • Asked OP to help
      • While OP is walking over, her boss gives her some urgent task
      • So while OP is there she works on that task
  • MelonYellow@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    I actually had my partner read this too, and we’re in agreement, so you’ve got both a male and female opinion here lol:

    SHE asked for your number, SHE wanted to spend more time with you. Seems awfully convenient that she wasn’t able to do her work for whatever reason, and instead was content with just chit chatting. Also – hearts are flirty. Especially at work AND you just met the person.

    We think she’s interested but you probably didn’t do enough during the hang out, and she didn’t want to embarrass herself, so she just downplayed it.

    Our advice is to just ask her out. She seems more forward, so she probably appreciates confidence. “Hey I had fun talking! We should get dinner some time. Are you available?”

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      I appreciate both of your advice.I think you are right about the confidence thing. I will need to increase that. I just don’t understand why she would set the idea her doing her own thing and then immediately abandoning it if she didn’t need to do it in the first place.

      • MelonYellow@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Bc that’s just what girls do bro😂 It’s actually clever on her part. She basically found a way to ask you out without having to ask you out. Or “hang out,” if you prefer. It’s low risk, and basically no way of you rejecting her. She could always default to, ‘well I was just doing my own thing anyway’ lol.

      • intensely_human@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        The way to increase confidence is to move forward when you’re not feeling confident.

        Action comes first, and the feeling follows later. You can’t get around the initial fear; you have to go through it.

  • Leilys@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    8 months ago

    I think it’s definitely really early to say if they have proper romantic interest in you, given you’ve only known each other about a week? But from your post, it seems like you two have points in common and have a lot to chat about, which is often a good foundation for relationships, friendly and romantic.

    In terms of learning Linux, it’s probably ideal to have a bit more of an outline of what you want to start teaching her because it’s a huge jump into a new OS (not that I know much of myself). She may not know where to ask you to start and would appreciate more suggestions from you on where to begin, like telling her “Today, let me show you (practically) how to install (OS) on a system and navigate it” and going off that.

    I think the tl;dr would be: Have a Linux lesson plan, expect friendship first. Take it slow.

    Hope things go well.

  • Nomecks@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Don’t dip your pen in company ink. Just have a friend and don’t make it awkward. You need to work with this person. Even if there could be more it will do nothing but mess up your career.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      3 months ago

      I am surprised you found this thread considering how long its been. Unfortunately, she is not into me. However, we became really great friends and hang out a lot. So there is that.

        • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
          3 months ago

          Oh I know the value of networking. A lot of guys won’t try to be friends with someone that’s not into them and they miss out on something great. The big one being a friend. For a lot of women, not having women friends is a big red flag and some guys just don’t bother.

          It is no bother at all, thanks for checking in.

  • crusa187@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Sounds like she’s genuinely interested in learning more about Linux from you, and also is into you. The “sorry we didn’t get more done” was just cover since you didn’t make a move towards next stage.

    If you like her, I’d say do another hangout, you try to keep it more fun and conversational, and if she reciprocates that vibe again, then confidently make a move towards next steps. Something like “I really enjoy hanging out together, want to get dinner Wednesday after work?”

    Good luck champ 😉

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago
      1. She is in a higher position than I am, I just have a skillset she doesn’t.

      2. As far as I know, that is not the case.

      I already got together with her outside of work on non-related work tasks.

  • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    8 months ago

    There’s a saying, “Don’t shit where you eat.” I can’t comment on the feelings involved, but I’d urge you to not seek romance or sex at work. People go to work to work - go somewhere else to find a relationship.

    • Skybreaker@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Do you know how many couples meet at work? Well, I don’t know the exact number either but it’s a lot.

      • BaumGeist@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Do you know how many work couples ultimately fail? Well, I don’t know the exact number either but it’s a lot.

        • Stovetop@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          And if there is one thing worse than the end of a relationship it would be the end of a relationship and the end of a career.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      I generally agree with that sentiment. However, it is easier said than done when you are lonely and you found a diamond in the rough.

      We don’t truely work together either. At the end of the month, I will not be going back to the other building. We will not interact in any capacity at work.

  • Shadow@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    I only read your first paragraph, but just be up front and ask her?

    “hey I think you’re cute but I don’t want to misconstrue your signals and make things awkward at work, are you interested in me or are you just looking for a friend?”

    Although if she is in your chain of command, do not pursue. Nothing good can come of that.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      God that is awkward to do, but would likely put this madness to rest. We are both professionals and I would like to think we could handle it as such.

      I was looking for advice to know if I should even try or just assume a friendly relationship only.

      • Shadow@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Yes it’ll be awkward for the moment, but it’s also a mature way to handle this. You won’t see her after the next month, so what do you have to lose?

        Above all else be polite and be respectful. If she says she’s interested then you can immediately ask her out for a proper date afterwards. If she says no then “oh well, glad I asked! Want to be friends?” (or not, your call, but she might have cute friends)

        Women like confidence. If you’re both insecure and dancing around each other, nothing will happen.

        • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
          8 months ago

          She is a lot of fun to be around so I would still want to be friends. Pulling the bandaid off is probably the best course of action. Although I am wondering if I should try to increase her fondness of me first to improve my odds.

          • hoshikarakitaridia@sh.itjust.works
            8 months ago

            I have a feeling if you “game this out” beforehand it might result in the opposite. In my humble opinion I would just ask her out.

            Btw let’s be clear, not an easy thing to ask someone out and it will be awkward (was for me too). But no matter what happens, it’s always better when everyone is on the same page.

  • Brkdncr@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Had a similar situation happen to me. We kept it professional/casual until I straight up asked her if she was flirting. It only took a few seconds to get over the awkwardness after that. No regrets.

    Play it out casual/professional for a while and then ask yourself again if she’s flirting, and if you’re still interested.

  • ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I detect a hint of panic and feel like you’re overcooking this.

    Rhyme: she’s establishing a pattern along which you can spend time together.

    Reason: you helped her out with Linux and she reciprocated with some friend time. That is mutually valuable whether you realize it or not.

    Next time you’re hanging out go get burgers or something. Don’t treat human relationships like computer systems, they don’t work the same and the sooner you figure this out the better all your relationships romantic or otherwise will be.

    • Bread@sh.itjust.worksOP
      8 months ago

      Congrats, you hit the nail on the head. I am panicked because I have never met someone like her who also happens to be heavily interested in similar topics as myself. In my panic to not fuck up, it has a real great chance of leading to the thing I was trying to prevent.

      Fortunately, I am self aware enough to not cause problems while talking to her. I am actually fairly decent with my social skills as I think that’s what got me here in the first place. It is the time in between seeing her that has me worried. My mind starts to wander into intrusive thought territory.

  • Extras@lemmy.today
    8 months ago

    I skimmed it but honestly I would just feel things out its kinda early to tell. Continue to hangout and if sparks fly then good, if not at least you have a work friend to hangout with. Just keep things PG because she is still a coworker even though she’s from a different building.