For character abilities that have a certain trigger condition, eg. “OnAttack”, “OnJump”, “OnDamaged” etc…

Currently each of these triggers is a signal. When a signal fires, the character loops through all of its abilities and activates each one with that specific condition, so it just runs an if statement for every ability, regardless of whether it has that condition or not:

if ability.trigger_condition == Triggers.OnAttack:

My issue is that this could get a little unscalable with many characters on-screen each having many abilities of their own. A character could have 1 OnDamaged ability and 19 OnAttack abilities, but when an “OnDamaged” signal is received, it will still loop through all 19 OnAttack abilities.

Any advice on this is appreciated, thank you all.

    4 months ago

    It’s hard to give advice about how code should be structured, since there’s many ways of accomplishing the same things, but you’re doing the right thing by thinking about scalability before you get too deep to change it.

    You could try separating eacg trigger condition into their own functions, so that if an OnAttack gets triggered it will only check and loop through OnAttack abilities.

    Something like:

    OnAttack.connect( CheckOnAttack )
    OnDamaged.connect( CheckOnDamaged )
    func CheckOnAttack( ATTACK_TYPE ):
              match ATTACK_TYPE:
    func CheckOnDamaged( DAMAGE_TYPE ):
             match DAMAGE_TYPE: