Do you like what you do? Do you like your industry but dislike your job? Do you like your job but not the industry? If the salary was $200k what would your ideal job be?

    9 months ago

    There are parts of what I do that I like - I happen to be fantastic at the customer facing portions of IT/Help desk, at least for T1/T2 problems, and I can fix or at least workaround almost every issue because I understand the software. But ticket tracking’s not one of my strong suits, and everything else about the job (Hierarchy, Meetings, Performance reviews, even positive ones, and the expectation that I’m supposed to walk in whistling every morning) makes me tired and angry. It doesn’t help that I’m ND and the office is loud, I’ve already had a panic attack this morning because my coworker apparently can’t answer calls without fucking yelling into his phone, and there’s no noise cancelling or barriers anywhere so I can hear everyone else yakking all the fucking time.

    I don’t think I have an ideal job - I’m so burnt out and depressed from two decades of nonstop grind that I think I would spend a few months doing absolutely nothing, if for no other reason than to enjoy not having obligations.