It linked to someone’s soundcloud track.

I don’t understand Polish though, so I didn’t understand how this is “PZPR Propaganda”.

Googling its lyrics, there’s not as much as a peep about LGBT.

So idk why even put LGBT imagery over it lmfao.

Did the PZPR/Polish Peoples Republic say LGBT Rights back in its day or something?

I thought the GDR was the first to do that.

  • only 90’s overwritten that in a large degree with a new one

    Forced Desolution of the USSR and the PPR?

    Also 1956 is when the nationalists took power in PRL.

    Wh- How? Certainly the USSR could’ve sent the NKVD to fend off the nationalists, right? But then again, the 50’s sounds like about the time when Khruschev came into power, and he seemed to have messed up things that Stalin and Lenin so cautiously built up.

    I guess Stalin’s watchful eye made sure nationalists wouldn’t dare try to take over lol.

    In polish the term for both men and women is “konkubinat”. Colloquially known as “życie na kocią łapę”.

    According to DeepL and Cambridge Dictionary, the english word would be “cohabitation”. So essentially the definition you gave.

    Also that Polish saying was a bit funny, not gonna lie. “Shacking up to live together”. Dunno why I found that so funny. 🤭 (DeepL translated it to another thing though, “Living on a Cat’s Paw”)

    In USSR abortion was legalised in 1920, then delegalised in 1933 and legalised again in 1955.

    sigh Stalin. 😔

    conservative catholic society, plus children and old devouts can be very cruel.

    What’s even the point to be cruel to the adopted and the adoptee 😒 I’m sure god (if they exist) would’ve liked it more from people adopting kids and raising them when others wouldn’t. I swear, some people can be so unnecessarily petty and hateful.

    Not de iure, but de facto yes, plus actively purged from any public spaces.

    You’ll never see this ever happening with Fascist/Nazi nonsense. 🫠 It’s always communist/socialist theories that gets banned. Always. (Okay maybe except in the AES countries, but still)

    this video and song is really the product of german circle, since that’s where everyone of them live

    Disappointing, I imagined the video to take place on Polish soil. Oh well, it would be just asking for trouble if you tried to film something like this in Poland, given how reactionary the place has become. 😔

    And polish church is currently basically independent from Rome anyway, if pope tried to use his power to significantly change the course of polish church (and for that he would have to purge most if not all of entire hierarchy even as low as parishes) they would just do a schism.

    If they’d do this, why do they bother to still be connected with the Vatican? lmao Is it because of John Paul II’s Legacy?

    he did purged Vatican from any semblance of progressivism to install Opus Dei members everywhere.

    The Catholic Church used to be progressive?!

      1 year ago

      Forced Desolution of the USSR and the PPR?

      Economic shock therapy to be precise.

      Wh- How?

      Nationalists in the PZPR, so relative. The conflict was brewing since the beginning, but when Stalin lived, Bierut had support to do what’s necessary, he couldn’t just purge everyone, there was way too much unprincipled ML in the party and government. but after Stalin death and Bierut becoming less active because his health deteriorated the bar swinged to the opposite side. Ultimately it happened right after the infamous Khrushchev speech, Bierut died in Moscow right after (possibly murdered, though not necessarily, for example Kim Il Sung was in identical situation but he got back alive and purged the revisionists in DPRK). After Bierut death the gradual purge happened against his followers and the nationalist faction with Władysław Gomułka took the power (Gomułka was housearrested for “rightwing-nationalist deviation” previously). Even Khrushchev was somewhat troubled with that so he came to Poland to talk some compromise with new government and while he managed to do it, the transcript of the talk is something to behold, Gomułka veiled threatened Khrushchev for concessions.

      By then the revisionism was not obvious, outwardly everyhthing looked ok but bureocratisation of party and state followed and the next turn in 1970 brought titoists to power.

      (informal) to live together (with someone) as sexual partners without being married.

      That is precise translation

      “Living on a Cat’s Paw”

      That’s absolutely literal XD

      sigh Stalin.

      Rare Stalin L.

      Although it must be noted it wasn’t that unreasonable from the state sound of view, USSR was the first and only state to legalise abortion then and its impact on population growth was overstated by the statistics because lack of research (also early soviet statistics sucked donkey ass, Lenin was constantly complaining about that). Ultimately it proved bullshit but we only know this from the retrospect.

      What’s even the point to be cruel to the adopted and the adoptee 😒 I’m sure god (if they exist) would’ve liked it more from people adopting kids and raising them when others wouldn’t. I swear, some people can be so unnecessarily petty and hateful.

      Biblical God seems like more evil version of Azathoth so figures a lot of devouts would be like lovecraftian cultists.

      You’ll never see this ever happening with Fascist/Nazi nonsense. 🫠 It’s always communist/socialist theories that gets banned. Always. (Okay maybe except in the AES countries, but still)

      Of course, most famous example from Poland was when a legit court released openly hailing, swastika covered neonazi because it was “roman salute”.

      If they’d do this, why do they bother to still be connected with the Vatican? lmao Is it because of John Paul II’s Legacy?

      That too, but mainly because legitimacy of 1000 years of catholicism in Poland and so on. As Machiavelli said, being established eases up maintaining the power. Schism now could uncover some very unpleasant for church facts, like how much people really care.

      The Catholic Church used to be progressive?!

      Compared to earlier church. John XXIII initiated some reforms and thus was progressive for example compared to hitler’s pope Pius XII. Or John Paul I who was pretty radical for a bishop though we do not know if he would be just like the “Hot Air” Francis since he was most likely murdered soon after election.