Hungary first!


  • Title: The salary of Viktor Orbán is the highest in the European Union, if we compare it to the gross average salary of the country’s population
  • Left column: Yearly gross salary of the head of government in Euro
  • Right column: As a proportion of average annual gross salary
  • Middle column is the list of head if governments, their respective country is in parenthesis.
  • Footer: Source: Wikipedia, Eurostat, research by Átlátszó

How to read country names in Hungarian: Remove the accents, replace SZ with S, remove ország from the end (it means country) and usually you get something similar to English or the native name of the country.

“Irregular” ones:

  • Görögország - Greece
  • Lengyelország - Poland
  • Olaszország - Italy
  • Németország - Germany

Infographic is from the Hungarian NGO newspaper/think tank, (Átlátszó means transparent in Hungarian)


You can try to read the full article in English with google translate (afaik deepl doesn’t have a feature like this):