Does ice cream look better in a cone? Sure. But that’s it. If you order it from a restaurant or shop, eating it in a cone feels rushed. With a cup, you can take it home with you and put it in the freezer and save it for later if you want. I would even argue that you will get more ice cream from a cup than there is in a cone. Also, in a cup, you can add toppings more effectively in the ice cream and mix them up in a better way than in a cone. Another thing, cups are less messy. Ice cream always runs the risk of melting in general, but atleast with a cup you have a smaller chance of it dripping on your hands and clothes.

  • volvoxvsmarla
    1 month ago

    With a cup, you can take it home with you and put it in the freezer and save it for later if you want.

    This is on the verge of psychopathy but you get my upvote for sure.

    Man, your freezer is like -18°C, gelateria ice cream is way warmer. You would so ruin ice cream by putting it in your freezer. Also why would you even do that?! If you want ice cream at home go buy it in the store, that stuff is made for long term storage. Eat it later my ass.

    I theoretically agree with you because I don’t like to eat cones but I also like the aesthetics more, it’s at least a trash free option, and you can push a stroller/hold your toddler etc with a cone in your hand. But we are talking about eating the ice cream outside. I literally live across an amazing gelateria and never have I ever considered taking that ice cream home like a maniac. I’d rather stand outside my apartment and finish that ice cream than taking it inside.

    Have my upvote, you deserve it.