there’s an alternate universe version of this where musk’s attendant sycophants and bodyguard have to fish his electrocuted/suffocated/crushed body out from the crawlspace he wedged himself into with a pocket knife

    10 months ago

    Trump kicking the bucket before the nomination would be the funniest thing ever. There’s no given successor. Every other candidate apart from Christie pays him fealty. There’s no Trump ideology, it’s all what he says at any given moment. Thus, there’s no candidate who can state “I will continue Trump’s legacy”, because it’s never been clearly stated what that legacy is. The GOP donors want someone who can continue to deliver tax cuts and gut welfare, but they’re probably not as interested in pursuing the culture wars. The base, OTOH, just want red meat. And the people promising them the meat are in general hugely unpopular among the general electorate. RdS is there. People simply find him unlikeable.

    Sadly Trump’s parents lived long, so there’s no chance he’ll die.