Panel 1: I know that somewhere my soulmate is waiting.

Panel 2: Meanwhile somewhere

Media Naranja which literally means “orange half” is an expression in Spanish used to say my better half, or my soulmate.

When you find the person who in theory is meant for you, in Spain it is said that you have found ‘the other half of your orange (tu media naranja). This saying comes from a myth included in the book “The Symposium” by Plato. This book talks about one of the most well-known myths about love. According to the poet Aristophanes, in the origin of human beings they had a different form to the one we have now, they were round! They once wanted to attack the gods and Zeus decided to punish them by cutting them in half. Since that day, each part has been looking for its other half in order to feel complete.

    4 months ago

    Yay a spanish cartoon! Thx for posting I didn’t know that expression before!