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    3 months ago

    So in your view, a person who’s discriminated against at work can just quit and go find another role? Or a workplace can just snap their fingers and materialise a competent worker who knows the role?

    This isn’t a case where the office is just too small and there’s nowhere for plaintiff to do his job. There are spaces he can work comfortably. The guy complained and through the union got his needs accommodated. Then, later,

    This resulted in a supervisor changing the desk assignment schedule for the month of July and “dramatically increas[ing] the frequency of assigning Williams to the aforementioned first-floor service desk that lacked the appropriate accommodations,” the lawsuit stated. “Thus, the SNFL apparently retaliated by forcing William to do exactly the one thing he knew detrimental to his health and safety.”

    I guarantee you there were people in that library who had no problem working the smaller desk, but some power-tripping supervisor just had to “win”. A manager who views their employees as targets for subjugation has no place being in charge of anything, and it’s really weird that you’re in here arguing understanding for the boss.