Got a whole lot of household stuff I’ve been thinking about selling because I’m moving away. Better give them to you. IKEA drill set, hammer and screwdriver set, space heater, baskets and tubs and stools, drawer set on wheels, microwave and pizza oven, etc etc. All those bottles of this and that for cleaning, bleach tablets, sponges, hand soap. The list goes on. Let us know what you don’t already have!
I left Melbourne several Christmases ago (true story, the tickets to Perth were purchased initially to be just a holiday visit), but somehow I’m still here. Think of me as so far west, I’m past Werribee.
It isn’t an especially remarkable tale. I moved to Melbourne following a girl. After a few years, we got married and had a couple of kids. Fast forward to the oldest being 5.
Dad came to Melbourne to visit us, it turned out he wasn’t really cooking for himself since mum had died and wasn’t in a great place in general. We had enrolled the kid in school, but he hadn’t put down roots yet. And then my contract at work finished up. It was a rare moment where we had nothing in particular holding us where we were.
Melbourne was wonderful when it was just the two of us, but it was tough to be there with kids and no family support. Every time we visited Perth, we had grandparents and a couple of aunties to help look after the kids. We already had flights booked for Christmas, so we just cancelled the return flights. I lined up my next job in Perth and we’ve been here since.
Dad is. He was stationed with the army in Queensland when he met mum. I was born up there; we moved to Perth when I was 12. When asked, I usually tell people I’m from Perth - it’s where I’ve lived the biggest percentage of my life. But no, I’m not originally from here.
Firstly, once again, congrats!!! Aaaaa! So exciting!! 🤩 I am super stoked for the freedoms and safety that are coming your way.
Secondly, echoing Duenan, if you’re comfortable sharing which general area you’ll be in I’m sure there’s several of us who’d be more than happy to chip in. Shit, I’d have kept aside a bunch more stuff for you when I was moving out. But completely understand if you’d rather keep it quiet
Thirdly - great time to be hitting the op shops, heaps of shit from people moving out at end of semester/landlords selling/etc. There will be mugs galore.
Fourthly… hadn’t realised how tricky it would be to set up utilities as an under-18! Not long until that all goes away though? and then you can sign up with whoever you want…
No worries dude, I had some rocky times around your age and got some help, happy to pay it on. If you run into problems, don’t be shy, a heap of people here want to help you if you need it.
If in the north, I have some extra bed linen in good/near new condition. You might as well have it if you want it. Also some extra cooking pots and utensils. Vinnies and similar is good for crockery and eating cutlery. Won’t ‘match’ but who gives a shit when cooking/eating for one only.
Also, if you need a cooking knife etc. I can let you have the picnic knife to tide you over until you can legally buy one to suit you. Or if you wish, I can buy one for you. Let me know by dm.
EDIT: I also have a spare electric kettle in working order.
I’m happy to chip in on some art or nice sheets or something to make it feel homely, if you like - they’ve said they’ll pay for the essentials, but I reckon your first place that’s your own should be somewhere you enjoy being.
You’ve done well, Baku. From here, you’ll only get better.
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Got a whole lot of household stuff I’ve been thinking about selling because I’m moving away. Better give them to you. IKEA drill set, hammer and screwdriver set, space heater, baskets and tubs and stools, drawer set on wheels, microwave and pizza oven, etc etc. All those bottles of this and that for cleaning, bleach tablets, sponges, hand soap. The list goes on. Let us know what you don’t already have!
! is our chef leaving Melbourne 😿 (But also if it is for warm and fuzzy feelings, this is good)
I left Melbourne several Christmases ago (true story, the tickets to Perth were purchased initially to be just a holiday visit), but somehow I’m still here. Think of me as so far west, I’m past Werribee.
You’re just in a really outer western suburb… with a much better train system
Not going to lie, zooming in a train doing 100+ kph, while cars are doing 60 next to you is pretty fun. 😃
The best bit is the freeway at peak hour. Cars sitting in traffic watching a secession of trains flying past them doing 120 while they crawl to town.
We have a new train line opening next weekend. Will have to take the kids to Ellenbrook on the opening day.
Might be heading that way myself mid next year…
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It isn’t an especially remarkable tale. I moved to Melbourne following a girl. After a few years, we got married and had a couple of kids. Fast forward to the oldest being 5.
Dad came to Melbourne to visit us, it turned out he wasn’t really cooking for himself since mum had died and wasn’t in a great place in general. We had enrolled the kid in school, but he hadn’t put down roots yet. And then my contract at work finished up. It was a rare moment where we had nothing in particular holding us where we were.
Melbourne was wonderful when it was just the two of us, but it was tough to be there with kids and no family support. Every time we visited Perth, we had grandparents and a couple of aunties to help look after the kids. We already had flights booked for Christmas, so we just cancelled the return flights. I lined up my next job in Perth and we’ve been here since.
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Dad is. He was stationed with the army in Queensland when he met mum. I was born up there; we moved to Perth when I was 12. When asked, I usually tell people I’m from Perth - it’s where I’ve lived the biggest percentage of my life. But no, I’m not originally from here.
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Worry not. Beep Beep service will continue from another dimension.
but who will tell us sky pretty? You will be missed 🧡
You will have to tell me. I will miss you all too.
I’m very sad to hear you’re moving away, but wish you the absolute best with all the things in future
Thank you!!
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To the Northern Hemisphere and see if I can pay Santa a visit! I had been quite unclear about it before. Great to know you have a nice drill!
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Awww thank you!
We may not always follow the law but we do not condone nor participate in children trafficking.
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Firstly, once again, congrats!!! Aaaaa! So exciting!! 🤩 I am super stoked for the freedoms and safety that are coming your way.
Secondly, echoing Duenan, if you’re comfortable sharing which general area you’ll be in I’m sure there’s several of us who’d be more than happy to chip in. Shit, I’d have kept aside a bunch more stuff for you when I was moving out. But completely understand if you’d rather keep it quiet
Thirdly - great time to be hitting the op shops, heaps of shit from people moving out at end of semester/landlords selling/etc. There will be mugs galore.
Fourthly… hadn’t realised how tricky it would be to set up utilities as an under-18! Not long until that all goes away though? and then you can sign up with whoever you want…
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I’m down for helping South East Melbourne area if you want it. Got a van.
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No worries dude, I had some rocky times around your age and got some help, happy to pay it on. If you run into problems, don’t be shy, a heap of people here want to help you if you need it.
If in the north, I have some extra bed linen in good/near new condition. You might as well have it if you want it. Also some extra cooking pots and utensils. Vinnies and similar is good for crockery and eating cutlery. Won’t ‘match’ but who gives a shit when cooking/eating for one only.
Also, if you need a cooking knife etc. I can let you have the picnic knife to tide you over until you can legally buy one to suit you. Or if you wish, I can buy one for you. Let me know by dm.
EDIT: I also have a spare electric kettle in working order.
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I’m happy to chip in on some art or nice sheets or something to make it feel homely, if you like - they’ve said they’ll pay for the essentials, but I reckon your first place that’s your own should be somewhere you enjoy being.
You’ve done well, Baku. From here, you’ll only get better.
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Do you happen to know what area of Melbourne you’ll be moving to, like north or south?
Maybe some of us can help you with a few things.
Quite a few hoops you have to jump through there but you’ll get it done as you always do.
Same, I have kitchen ware, linens and blankets, etc
Maybe Baku can write out a list and we can see what we all have. 🙂
This is good idea. Sort of like a wedding list but a lot more practical.
Totally up for this.
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This is awesome!
Vinnies is a great call. Just grab the bare minimum for now like a mug, a set of cutlery, a plate and a bowl.
I haven’t seen tea towels or a can opener mentioned yet but they’re very handy to have
Edit: also a plunger
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Suddenly question #3 on today’s quiz makes sense.
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Lots of helpful suggestions below, and I might also be able to help you out with some household items if you need.
Also, op shops have loads of cheap stuff for when you’re setting up a house, and you can always upgrade it later on.
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