It’s not my first choice, but it’s gonna be TypeScript for me. I’ve got an interview for a primarily TS position coming up this week so would like to brush up on its quirks.
If the interview doesn’t go well, then I’ll probably switch to Go, though hehe. I’ve been really enjoying using it, but no one’s ever paid me to do so.
J, because I’ve wanted to learn it for a long time. It scratches kind of the same itch as my old HP 48 calculator, actually, although that was much closer to Forth than APL. Both of them are mind-bendingly terse and not great at expressing things other than raw mathematics.
Have you had a good look at Factor? FWIW I’ve got at least the first 3 days with it up here.
I’ve been reading your solutions! I have not spent any time with Factor at all, but the solutions you’ve put up look very nice and clean.