Why, yes! You would be able to roll for it in one of my games!

Speaking of… I’m looking to run a oneshot this weekend. A quick 3-4 hour adventure. I’ve run it before and everythings prepared, just gotta find the players for it! So if you’re available to start a session between 5-8PM EST on Saturday or 1-8PM EST on Sunday, then check out my thread below!

Looking for Group Post!

  • nBodyProblem@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Sure but that’s still a weird situation when you lack charisma in real life. My 20 CHA character with proficiency in persuasion would have ideas and know which of those options would work best in this situation. It’s absolutely demanding on your real life charisma in a way no other check is.

    Nobody asks for a real life strength check before the barbarian can push the boulder out of the way

    Nobody asks the player running a rogue to demonstrate “how they’d pick the lock” to determine how high the PC needs to roll in the game

        • DudeDudenson@lemmings.world
          6 months ago

          Do you go around comically smashing things in real life?

          I’m just saying if you’re struggling to play the game a certain way you can just play a way that better fits you and you might enjoy it more

    • Jorgelino@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      The issue is only if the DM penalizes you for it. I think the result should ultimately be up to the dice, but explaining what exactly you’re doing helps the DM move the story in the right direction.

      Also, the game will inevitably require irl skills to play. You can’t “roleplay” combat strategy or how much you pay attention irl, so there’s no escaping that. I don’t think it’s that unreasonable to expect players to at least come up with simple descriptions of what they’re trying to achieve during a dialogue.