Quoting hate speech without censoring in order to denounce it is not a bad thing. Here’s an example of the biggest French newspaper having the literal n-word* in the title of an article. They are not being hateful, they are quoting a chant by black protesters who used this word both ironically and in reference to a famous black French poet, to protest racist remarks by a higher-up at LVMH. Absolutely no one was offended by this article, because the newspaper isn’t actually racist ; it’s a quote.
* I’m saying “n-word” instead of the full word, as I don’t want m-words to ban me because they do not understand context.
That’s not at all what’s happening here. It’s completely unrelated to the story and the story wasn’t posted in order to draw attention it the word choice.
You seem to have your own thing going on, you good?
Quoting hate speech without censoring in order to denounce it is not a bad thing. Here’s an example of the biggest French newspaper having the literal n-word* in the title of an article. They are not being hateful, they are quoting a chant by black protesters who used this word both ironically and in reference to a famous black French poet, to protest racist remarks by a higher-up at LVMH. Absolutely no one was offended by this article, because the newspaper isn’t actually racist ; it’s a quote.
* I’m saying “n-word” instead of the full word, as I don’t want m-words to ban me because they do not understand context.
That’s because French are more revolutionary than Americans. Protests and revolutions seems to be their annual holidays.
That’s not at all what’s happening here. It’s completely unrelated to the story and the story wasn’t posted in order to draw attention it the word choice.
You seem to have your own thing going on, you good?