Colored sketch gift for a Zoroark friend! His left hand took forever for me to get looking something like correct aughhh! But practice is practice.
I’m considering offering the same kind of half-body sketch for free soon, as long as what’s asked for isn’t too outrageously complex. Let me know if you’d be interested. Just don’t expect it to be done too fast, considering the time of year, and I’d be working on it parallel to my day job and a new refsheet for my fursona.
Yeah, one of the many reasons I love paws. They are cute, and so much less of a hassle than human hands to approximate. The important thing though is it sounds like you were picking up on things feeling wrong, and were able to make changes based on that feeling. Building up that artist sense of noticing various oddities in and of itself is a skill, and one you never stop learning!
Anyway, that’s very sweet of you to make your friend a gift. He looks nice, and I bet he loved it! As for other gifts, I do hope you see some stuff that genuinely fuels that desire to create just because you want to. While I’m not personally big on asking others for art, if any character I’ve created piques your interest, you’re more than welcome to draw them however you see fit.
Thanks for the advice. I get it and I agree, paw-like hands can look better in many cases, but every time I’ve tried to draw them rather than hands it just ends up not looking right too, or not really fitting in with the style of the piece given I lean towards more detailed and “realistic” body proportions. Well, there is one exception, a kemono style thing I nearly finished from earlier this year, the only time I’ve been able to make something look good in such a style!
I’ve done as many personal as commission things this year, but haven’t been sure about posting them here, so not neglecting creating for its own sake.
I had a quick look through your posts, I’d consider it though will likely need to ask you for more details on any of your characters I draw if I get around to it. Thanks for the thoughtful comment!
Ooooo hottttt
sheeeesh let’s gooo very awesome!!!
Thank you so much!
This looks so good! I wish I could draw as well as you do :3
Thank you! Keep practicing and one day you’ll probably be better than me, I don’t get enough practice! Try not to compare yourself to other artists too much since that can be disheartening, and realistically there will probably always be artists better than both of us, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. Don’t give up, skeleton!
Love your username by the way, it certainly brings back bad memories 🤣😭
Thx for the motivation :3
As for that username, I’ve gotten a couple of messages from some instances as they thought I broke something on their end 😂
Hands are the worst.
You have to practice, practice and practice again … Like, i mostly took a pic of my hand, in the position/pose i wanted to draw and first tried to get that right doing lots of quick sketches, before continuing the draw the hand on my drawing.
I think you are already doing pretty good.
Don’t ever stop drawing. I did stop a long time ago and haven’t been able to get back into it.