Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
And have more than one fake ID, and multiple changes of clothing stashed on the escape route. And ditch the firearm in the bag with a rock in the river at night. Don’t try to hide out in bum fuck Pennsylvania. And don’t carry your manifesto with you, I don’t wander around outside unmasked when it’s cold enough to be masked. Probably don’t etch the casings yourself. Matter of fact don’t drop casings for the gun you used.
Assuming he actually made these mistakes there’s a whole lot of hindsight to go around.
If you get stopped by police a week later, after you’ve ditched everything including fake IDs, just use your real fucking ID.
He should have just hid out in Baltimore He’s from there
I wouldn’t try to hide out anywhere I’m from. Just personally I’d rather be anonymous rando. If you’ve never been those little motel places on the side of the road don’t care why you’re there and take cash. They could be involved in small time illegal shit too which means they already know what everyone should- Don’t talk to the police.
Ideally, they shouldn’t have known he did it. They shouldn’t have had a picture of him unmasked. Nobody would have thought twice about him flying out of BWI He’s got family there.
You’re just one in a million until you show up in a McDonald’s in Altoona with your face plastered all over the TV and a fake reward, a gun and a fake ID in your bag.
And no digital money. Cash only!
Or just get a LEO badge then you don’t have to go through all of that.