I have learned the difference between “your” and “you’re”.
Pimples just becoming permanent weird little bumps
You measure time on the scale of emergency to emergency.
You can’t stand grindy videogames. You see young adults as children, and their behavior becomes irritating.
I find it takes much, much longer to heal from injury. That’s the main downside I’ve experienced. When I say longer - when about 8 yo I broke my arm, it took 5-6 weeks to heal, maybe 10 to really heal, stop swelling ever and feel exactly like the other. When about 45 I broke my finger and it took 2 years to fully heal and feel like the rest of them.
But it also takes longer to get mad, I’m less irritable, more perspective I guess. Easier to feel happy/satisfied, too, it’s closer to the surface now.
My 60th birthday.
For me it clicked when pretty girls started tallking and being nice to me
School dreams are very rare now, and when I have them the “cast” is all people from various adult jobs. I never knew my actual school mates as adults, so I guess my brain just can’t fill it in. If I was actually transported back to high school and saw them again it would probably feel like being surrounded by babies, so makes sense that “central casting” sends in adult stand-ins.
I’m always an adult too. What’s weird is I remember being a child. I remember my body being clumsy and awkward, I remember being confused by adult concepts, I remember being small. It never comes out in childhood dreams, I’m always my present age.
When it gets “weird” wanting to do the young people stuff.
People will tell you. Worst I’ve had is a pulled back muscle from sneezing while leaning forward in my chair.
You get free dlc every year, that you can’t uninstall, for example: Cannot move neck after sleeping in a slightly wrong position. Random foot pain. Extra hangover. Blurry vision in the distance.
My knees. I am past 30, and my knees somehow don’t want to bend anymore.
On the other hand the older I get, the smarter I get about life. Do some physical activity on a regular basis, keep some long term goals in mind, don’t let your emotional state depend on external factors.
Find balance in your life and know your limits and you will be all right.
Worrying that every unexpected pain in your body will be cancer.
I’ve been like that since 15, that’s just being a hypochondriac.
My what?
Your getting older. They are asking the abstract noun representing your aging what some signs are. I don’t think your getting older is going to be able to answer, though, and I doubt it has much knowledge of signs.
When I get up after sitting on the ground for a while my knees are stiff.
Get off my lawn.