This is worth delurking for.

A ficus-lover on the forums for iNaturalist (where people crowdsource identifications of nature pics) is clearly brain-poisoned by LW or their ilk, and perforce doesn’t understand why the bug-loving iNat crew don’t agree that

inaturalist should be a market, so that our preferences, as revealed through our donations, directly influence the supply of observations and ids.

Personally, I have spent enough time on iNat that I can identify a Rat when I see one.

I can’t capture the glory of this in a few pull quotations; you’ll have to go there to see the batshit.

(h/t hawkpartys @ tumblr)

    3 months ago

    I really don’t get it. they see something they don’t understand and immediately just start writhing on their keyboard in rage. “what the FUCK is THIS”