What is up wit h the design of this website. There’s huge amounts of dead space.
The content though… it just reads like somebody who’s pretty angry. I do like the odd rant here and there, but this one misses the mark. “I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again” was much more to my liking (despite the damn 3 column design).
What is up wit h the design of this website. There’s huge amounts of dead space.
The content though… it just reads like somebody who’s pretty angry. I do like the odd rant here and there, but this one misses the mark. “I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again” was much more to my liking (despite the damn 3 column design).
What is up wit h the design of this website. There’s huge amounts of dead space.
The content though… it just reads like somebody who’s pretty angry. I do like the odd rant here and there, but this one misses the mark. “I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again” was much more to my liking (despite the damn 3 column design).
Anti Commercial-AI license
What is up wit h the design of this website. There’s huge amounts of dead space.
The content though… it just reads like somebody who’s pretty angry. I do like the odd rant here and there, but this one misses the mark. “I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again” was much more to my liking (despite the damn 3 column design).
sorry you don’t like anger! we’ll improve your lemmyverse experience
been a little while since we had A Programming Dot Dev here, I think. guess it was time
Protip: If you give a hackernews 25 candies, it evolves into a programmingdotdev.
@o7___o7 @froztbyte never feed them after midnight
are they allergic to water? I may have a solution if they’re allergic to water
sandworms on lemmy??