KITCHENER – Local man Dalton Strickland, whose data entry job regularly requires him to read dates off a form and put them into a computer, literally never knows which date is the day and which is the month unless the day is above 12. “Are we using the American MM-DD-YYYY system or the rest of […]
Because he didn’t know about ISO8601. The only correct date format, especially in Canada.
My favourite is when you’re reading documentation for an API or an SDK or whatever and the examples show things like “2024-05-05” as the date where they’re both the same number and you can’t discern it at all. Like, use Halloween or Christmas or something as the date so it’s always obvious, eh?
My favourite is when you’re reading documentation for an API or an SDK or whatever and the examples show things like “2024-05-05” as the date where they’re both the same number and you can’t discern it at all. Like, use Halloween or Christmas or something as the date so it’s always obvious, eh?