Glad to see Yahtzee still making reviews!
Ugh I love Yahtzee but I unsubcribed from the escapist along time ago due to their ill treatment of MovieBob and James stephanie Sterling to name a few. On top of that they spammed news videos that clogged my feed…Watching this does make me miss the dude.
I mean they all left the Escapist? Yahtzee and the gang are all in on Second Wind now, an independent start-up, after Escapist tried to fuck with them.
Perfect I googled escapist and they had the same content so just assumed…
No worries, in typical shitty corporate fashion Escapist tried to cover it up as much as possible.
Dunno if you know this, but the whole video side of escapist resigned and started their own worker co-op called Second Wind.
$80 game…