EDIT: Don’t bother reporting people criticizing others for not wearing a helmet. It’s not victim blaming, just like criticizing someone for not wearing a seatbelt isn’t victim blaming.

Wear your helmets people: Of course nobody deserves to get hit by a car but the reality is people are getting hit by cars.

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Then that’s your argument for mandatory helmet laws right there. Which I don’t actually object to. I ride a motorcycle, and most states have helmet laws. I don’t wear just a helmet though; I ride with full leathers every time because I’m aware that riding a motorcycle potentially fatal. I think that you can make a reasonable distinction between, “riding without leathers could cost you a limb” versus “riding without a helmet could cost you your higher brain function”, and say that a helmet law is reasonable, while requiring leathers is not. I think you could quite reasonably require that a helmet be worn by all people riding bicycles–electric or not–on public roads.