The fact there’s nothing I can’t do to hurt him or his reputation in any way pisses me off.
Unrelated, but I think I got cancer from that font
Nah the font is very much related.
Your trolling content creators, not all of them are going to take your negative comments well
Am i crazy to think the most efficient way to handle this is to just disengage? Why report it when the outcome of reporting the person is limited by their ability to respond appropriately to social variables that are directed to them?
Let’s assume youtube has a perfect response platform for these scenarios. They take all the appropriate actions in the most pefect timely manor. At what point in this scenario do you see a positive outcome from this? Is it more likely the offender gets banned from YouTube and never returns to the social media ether at any level? Or is it more likely the offender has his 250,000 cronies take their side and they use your, albeit justified, response as a reason to rally the troops in a counter attack against YouTube or god forbid you, yourself.
Noone who has 250,000 people in their corner is going to take any action against their image laying down.
It sucks ass but the right move is to be the bigger person and just leave it all at face value which absolutely nothing.
Someone once told me not to let myself get worked up over anything I won’t remember in 3 years. Test it out. How many exact scenarios can you remember from 3 years ago where you were stressed out and still get stressed when you think back on it? 4 maybe 5 scenarios at most? Will this be something if you dropped it today, that will haunt you 3 more years from now?
I still remember the insults and bullying from 20 years ago.
If you are 30 to 40 years old and something like being bullied 20 yeardon’t still stresses you out then it might be something you should find a shrink to help you with because at 30 or 40 years old you should have enough emotional intelligence at this point in life to not be so affected by this like you are. Not being a dick just speaking from the experience of working on my own emotional intelligence and being in that 30-40 year old age range. There is a lot to say about getting help from a shrink but honestly it mostly comes from people who should prolly be seeing a shrink themselves but dont.
With that being said i do want to point out that my original 3 year anecdote requires you to get stressed out over the memories. Meaning there is a difference between remembering something stressfull from 3 years ago and being stressed by something you remember from 3 years ago. Sorry if I explained that poorly in my first comment.
Dude, I don’t wanna be a bitch and not fight back. That’s it
OK. So you acknowledge that you have the emotional intelligence of a 16 year old. You should do something to try and improve that so you stop responding to things like an idiot.
I guess being a bitch is being a kid according to you. Just don’t waste my time then. I read your comments and post you’re a child. I don’t have time for this
Full context?
Yeah I’m going to withhold judgement until I see the initial comment they were replying to. I doubt a 250K sub YouTuber is randomly finding commenters to get in fights with. And if they are, they’re not going to last long as a YouTuber.
You’ have not seen YouTube if you think only nice people last there. The guy is a cinema sins copy channel and for what I’ve seen he treats people who don’t like his videos like that
I called him irritating and that his video is a ripoff. That’s it. No threats of any type
I’m less inclined to believe you when you avoid showing the whole conversation. It also doesn’t align with what’s in the screenshot, if that was your issue you’d have said so right?
The video title is right there, I feel like someone could probably dig up their comments
Because I don’t feel like screenshot the entire thing. What’s the point anyways if the kill myself is the last part. Don’t believe me, I don’t give a shit, but don’t come here saying it didn’t happened
If he told you that, you could always report him. The people in charge don’t tend to like people saying that.
And if they don’t do anything, well, given the stuff you may or may not have said, I’m sure there’s a double-edged sword there.
Agreed. Report his comment; he has to censor it because it’s not allowed on the site and he’s trying to evade detection
Are you proud?
The fact there’s nothing I can’t do to hurt him or his reputation in any way pisses me off.
Early indicator of future mental health problems detected
tbh I think he’s an ass but you’re being petty
Report them to YouTube.
How? There’s no option in the app plus he was sneaky about it, technically there’s nothing to report.
The guy just muted me, I can’t do anything
The three dots is a menu, it has a Report option. There’s one on every comment, one on the video and one on the channel.
You can report the comment, the video, the channel or all three.
Could you provide a link to the comment or the video? I can report him for you.
I don’t know how to do that… I’m using a cracked premium app
You sound butthurt fr.
… An asshole told me to kill myself. And I’m the butthurt?
Bruh its the internet
So? I don’t go around telling people to kill themselves
Bro’s still getting cooked in here💀🙏
People just pile up on other suffering people
My spidy sense is tingling. The part we can see you just escalated and escalated and escalated.
Wait. Am I missing something? Where is he telling you to commit suc…?
Oh I see it now
Sounds like he spent one hour too many watching Gravity Falls.
Took me a moment too, yeah damn ☹️
OP should of just told him to demonstrate for him first lol
Thebirdman sounds like a bitch.
He is
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