Something something unintended consequences
Gotta apply the law fairly, no book should get an exemption just because it’s part of the most popular US religion. I also love this quote:
It is the bestselling book of all time; it is historically accurate, scientifically sound, and most importantly, life-changing.
I can’t think of a worse description of the Bible than historically accurate and scientifically sound. Though I’ll agree, it’s certainly changed a lot of lives.
2 out of 4 isn’t so bad.
A school district in the Texas panhandle temporarily removed the Bible – and reinstated it soon after – in an effort to comply with a controversial new state law that bans sexually explicit materials in schools.
The only moral sexually explicit materials in schools is my sexually explicit materials in schools.
State senator Kevin Sparks called the district’s Bible ban “misguided” in a 19 December post on Instagram. “The Bible is not educationally unsuitable, sexually explicit, or pervasively vulgar, making its removal legally and morally indefensible. At a time when students seek guidance, the Bible provides a vital moral framework.”
Dad: “Are you learning, son?”
Son: “Dad, I read the bible today in school. What are ‘emissions of donkeys’?”
Dad angrily whips out his ‘Bible Belt’ and commences with Christian Love: “Heathen! You need more church and don’t read that bible! Only listen to the church readings!”
Lol I love hearing news about the wackjobbiest parts of the States