Today was the first day that both our kids are in day-care all day. Effectively the end of our parental leave. Me and my SO decided to treat ourselves to a movie and saw Barbie. We figured if the conservative sphere was getting pissy about it, it must be good.

Anyone else see it?

I wasn’t expecting much. I have to say, I don’t think I could have ever expected this movie to be what it was. It’s campy, funny, colorful, and steps on your throat with it’s message and hardly let’s it off. I say that as positivity as someone can.

It’s amusing to me that some people think the movie is anti-man. It did make me feel mournful for my daughters inevitable loss of innocence. A corporate, big budget toy advertisement of all things. I think that’s the most surprising part. In some ways Barbie is the most unlikely and perfect vehicle for what the movie has to say.

I don’t know. It’s conflicting because, at the end of the day it’s a huge corporate puff peace, but also… What else could deliver it’s message to so many people?

    1 year ago

    I watched it a while ago and had fun, but the barbies literally vote patriarchy away, so it’s just your harmless liberal “feminism” piece.