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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • lowered their forecasts for 2024: if just half a year ago, the German economy was expected to grow 1.3%, now the forecast has been cut to just 0.1%.

    Why is growth used as a metric? What does it implicate?

    Edit: does it mean growth of sales volume or production volume? If one takes inflation into account, a constant sales volume could mean a shrinking production volume?

  • Lvm could be the way to go. Start with the minimum amount of partitions (i.e. / and /boot and swap as lv, maybe efi as a real partition). Add additional lv later if/ when you need them. You can always re-size a partition and the wrapping lv when you want to re- distribute storage-space.

    I never needed more than these partitions. But that is just my use case.

    Edit: oh. Missed the Multi boot point. Forget what I wrote. :)

  • When I imagine Ralph, I see an outsider who is avoided by the other children and ignored by the teachers, with a loving but somehow helpless father. …being lonely , not being part of the group, not understanding the rules of the world around him.

    I think it has to do with the need for attention and closeness. When you lack it, you turn to the person who has already fulfilled this need for you. It’s hard to live with unfulfilled needs that you can’t fulfill yourself. I guess the key is to learn how to find a relationship where your feelings are reciprocated (and to find out when they are not). I know that feeling and I don’t have a solution.

    I don’t know whether this is a characteristic that is more prevalent in autistic people.

  • 342345@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich iel
    6 months ago

    Ist ne Fußgängerzone. Kann man außen drum herum fahren oder geht das nicht?

    Geschäfte müssen beliefert werden. Die Ware muss zum Laden kommen, damit welche da ist, damit die Leute sie wieder raustragen und in ihr Auto legen können. Das ist der Lauf der Dinge. :)

  • It’s about the creation of artifical markets - Allowing patents on genetic modifications in lifeforms so that one can sell something that basically copies itself if you provide it with a place to grow (exclusively) and some water and light. It’s highly problematic.

    It’s uncritical to play that utilisation rights game with music and videos and other works of art. No one starves to death from not listening to music. But you shouldn’t play that game with food sources.

  • 342345@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🏴iel
    6 months ago

    “Wenn man aus schimmligrm Brot Penicillin machen kann, dann kann man auch mit dem Amthor was anfangen.”

    Gewagte These. Jemand sagte mal: Jeder kann was. Brot kann schimmeln. Und was kannst du? Nix kannste! (Als Zitat, nicht gegen dich oder irgendjemanden gerichtet. :)

    Vielleicht is da was dran? Vielleicht gibt es wirklich Leute die nichts gutes für die Gesellschaft oder die Umwelt oder… tun und im Gegenteil nur Schaden anrichten? Und dann sind die am Ende noch erfolgreich damit? Oha. Das wäre nicht schön.