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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t see a critic, I see someone trying to help.

    At some point you need to choose agency and be your own parent. It takes a horrific amount of work and you need to choose agency like every fucking nanosecond which is exhausting but it’s already exhausting and horrific being depressed and screaming at yourself to stop staring at your phone and do something, anything, please, so you might as well get up and do five push-ups so you can say you moved your life 1% forward that day.

    A defeatist mindset only leads to weaponizing ones incompetence, which is cancerous.

  • Toaster@lemmy.worldtoAuDHD@lemmy.worldAuDHD Strengths?
    10 months ago

    Several things all clicked into place within 30 days of each other. Here they are:

    1. Correct cocktail of medication. Antidepressant focusing on norepinephrine/noradrenaline activation to help with executive function. Vyvanse instead of Adderall for my ADHD. Vitamin D. Magnesium Glycinate. Fish oil.
    2. Bought a home. Live by myself. Now I have a world of constants of my own creation. I keep it clean, it serves me, I couldn’t do it without having this constant that lives or dies exclusively on my actions. I can build systems that work for me here now.
    3. Began working from home. I also love this job, finally. This was huge.
    4. Began seeing the external version of myself line up with who I am internally. Love of self is still hard but we’re making progress.
    5. Finally started mostly competing projects that give me reasons to wake up in the morning. Not always, but it’s progress.

    These all happened very quickly and all at the same time. Things just “clicked” and I went from slightly leaning towards executive dysfunction to slightly leaning towards executive function. Then I kept the snowball rolling and accumulating and now it gets easier with each passing day. I can explain more, I hope this helps.

  • Toaster@lemmy.worldtoAuDHD@lemmy.worldAuDHD Strengths?
    10 months ago

    Let autism be your executive function. Let ADHD, your executive dysfunction, go hog wild and move a million miles an hour creating plans and ideas and doing it’s thing. But let autism, who loves executive function, drive the bus.

    So yeah ADHD goes fast, but autism reigns it in by telling you “okay, great set of ideas you just came up with bud. Now let’s immediately birth them into the world, or make peace with possibly never birthing them into the world” this allows you to go at ADHD speed, but it is reigned in by the structure and rigidity of autism. Autism helps gives you tangible results.

    For example, I have 3 ideas pop into my head. I deem them all good and correct things that would be worth my time to do. So thing 1 gets written down on a sticky note and put on my keys for tomorrow so I remember my lunch and some papers I need. Thing 2 gets written in a list on my phone for further research later, maybe I’m writing a list of good decoration ideas for an upcoming party. Thing 3 gets done immediately. I immediately go take my laundry out of the dryer, for example.

    I know this is a lot of words, but letting autism drive the bus/train of thought has changed my life. Letting him create systems to overcome executive dysfunction that work for us has been massively impactful and I now get so much done.