Belly_Beanis [he/him]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlSchrödinger's Immigrant
    11 hours ago

    You forgot they’re also criminal masterminds who smuggle in thousands of dollars in drugs over the border, kill hundreds of Americans without getting caught, are master engineers that build massive tunnel networks underground, and scam the government out of billions of dollars via welfare programs.

    Honestly I wish immigrants were the people conservatives think they are because they’d have an insane set of skills we could use.

  • I think I’d rather be launched into the sun over Jupiter. The sun you die pretty quickly as you get closer to it. I can’t imagine there’s much that could stop heat once you get past Mercury. Jupiter though? Jupiter is fucking spooky. Its core is hot like any molten core, but there’s no crust. You’d fall through the sky and just keep falling for hundreds of miles. You’d eventually die from the heat like you would with the sun, but you wouldn’t be able to see anything. At some point all you can see is goop. It’s like being underwater in the Mariana Trench, but the water is nitrogen, metallic hydrogen, and liquid silicone.

  • Yeah it’s another form of American Exceptionalism and White Man’s Burden. Even if libs don’t actively think about it, it’s heavily ingrained into their ideology.

    Malcolm X had a speech about this where white liberals will insist on taking up leadership and administrative positions within black organizations, instead of asking what the existing leadership wants them to do. It was largely why he spent most of his career not wanting to do any organizing with white liberals, even when they claimed to be allies. I think this is ultimately regretted the way he brushed aside one white woman and woud talk about the interaction years later. She did the correct thing in asking what she could do as a white person to help.

  • Notably (to my knowledge/experience with it) confession is fundamentally centered around penance and forgiveness, rather than around solving the problem. That’s not to say a priest would never give advice if you asked, but the structure of it is like that. When I used to be catholic and would go, it was never like, “Okay, what are you going to do to act differently?” It was like, “For your penance, say five hail marys” or whatever.

    “God is dead, for we have killed him.”

    This is exactly what Nietzche was referring to. Because religion shifts responsibility onto itself, religious followers don’t actually address their problems. Nietzche was being literal and metaphorical. Literal as is “the death of Christ at the hands of mortals” and metaphorical in the way you describe.

    Nietzche thought this is why religious people often become nihilistic in both thoughts and actions. Because they are no longer to blame for others’ suffering, the religious person (Christians in particular) adopts a worldview that nothing in life matters because it’s all just preparation for the afterlife. It becomes easy for them to witness suffering and take no action because of it.

    This has bled over into secular thinking, as well. Even when non-believers and apostates don’t have beliefs in religion, their ways of thinking have remained the same. This is especially rampant among capitalists who think the system is perfect. The system takes away blame and shifts it onto the disenfranchised (“Choose to be homeless,” bootstraps, welfare queens, and so on).

  • During the Cold War, the CIA funded numerous artists that did abstract work. This was to push back against Soviet Realism and hype up American artists. Jackson Pollock was specifically in this category, as he was an alcoholic nobody until the CIA started funding him. These artists varied in quality. Pollock was considered a hack by his contemporaries, but the money came pouring in.

    There’s no doubt the CIA laundered money through art the way they did cocaine and gun trafficking. As far as today is concerned, however, this type of money laundering doesn’t happen anymore. Problems are mostly around IP and NDAs casting a shadow. Damien Hirst, for example, didn’t actually do all of his pouring paintings. Unnamed interns did them but can’t put their own credentials out there or even mention they worked for Hirst.

    Obviously, this stuff is still sketchy. But if it were as easy as painting a line and getting a billionaire to buy it, everyone would be doing it lmao