One way would be to higher EU members’ financial contribution to it’s budget in proportion to their lack of wellfairness. I also frequently dream of tariffs on extra-EU imports on the same criteria, thus also preventing so called “social dumping”, modern slavery and exploitation. Which in turn would make our own production more competitive and enable better salaries overall.
Of course, a lot of goods would get more expensive, but we would finaly pay a fair price (rewarding those who until now payed with their health/liberty/life for those low prices). Unfortunately, I think it will keep beeing a dream for quite a while (if not ever)…
In France, where I live, good unemployement (keeping arround 80% of your previous revenues during a year or two) and health benefits (100% coverage if you have a, relatively cheap, additional individual insurance). Which has the added benefit of keeping medecine prices pretty low (ie insulin is free for diabetics here and doesn’t cost much if you pay for it yourself).
It should, and could, be even better if they trusted beneficiaries a bit more, and were not constantly harrasing them into accepting shity jobs.
When you earn unemployement benefits, you still pay taxes and the rest of the money you spend keeps the national economy running (which, in turn, also turn in taxes) so financing it isn’t necessarely an issue and hasn’t been for decades (even without taxing the 10% wealthiest who manage to mostly avoid it and thus, don’t contribute. While their wealth doubled in the last 20 years, taking inflation into account).
The constant political fight arround those spendings is mostly about the morality of “assisting” unemployed and poor families not an economical balance matter.
I’m still reading the old school press and listening to the radio. I’m just not on lemmy to read about it AGAIN… On top of that, it’s mostly absurd and inaplicable announcements. They crave attention so much, it’s painful to listen. Look at Musk’s video gaming scheme. Just pathetic…
Where is the “hide Musk/DOGE/Trump related posts” button ?
EDIT : Found it ! (Damn, Lemmy is awesome 😊)
That is why Europe also has to be on the forefront of wellfair and social protection : there is a lot less risk into innovating if losing your job is less of an issue and if it preserves your ability to spend thus avoiding a hard recession. That’s something EU countries are better at than the US and on which it should capitalise (no pun intended).
Merci cher ami lecteur.
On est tous d’accord pour dire qu’on a la plus jolie frontière ? Quelle élégance des proportions !
It depends on which app you’re using. Mine is the Android version of Voyager 😉