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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • You acting that childish — proudly — is honestly making me sad in real life.

    The implication of the first comment of this thread is that there are “both sides” to this. There aren’t. Who exactly is saying “Palestine is committing a genocide on Israelis?”

    Trying to pretend both sides are in any way “as bad” is exactly the type of shitty propaganda Israel keeps pushing. The same type of rhetoric the Nazis used. It’s so fucking ironic that Jewish people are now committing the heinous crimes they were the victims of 100 years ago.

  • I am.

    The point is that him demanding there’s “both sides” to this is true as much as it would be true that “both sides claim the other has false science” when arguing Flat Earthers.

    It’s disingenious and bad faith to pretend there are “both sides” to this. There aren’t.

    I can show you thousands of pages and people talking about Israel committing genocide on Palestine.

    Can you show me a single page where anyone says that PALESTINE is committing trying to commit genocide?

    Hint: google “palestine genocide” and “israel genocide” and tell me just how many links concern Palestinians being the victims of a genocide and how many there are saying they’re committing one?

    Yes, Israel loves to yell about “Hamas is trying to kill us” but Hamas isn’t Palestine and an attack on a country doesn’t qualify as genocide. Not to even mention how hypocritical it is of Israel to accuse Hamas of a genocide in the current situation when they’re fervently trying to deny the genocide they’re committing in broad daylight. Almost as ironic as you saying my arguing is poor. Thanks for the laughs, lol.

  • id…” The fact that you feel the need to accuse someone you’ve never seen of being a kid instead of pointing out what’s actually wrong


    I very clearly pointed out what’s wrong with your.

    But the argument I’m making is that both sides are guilty of claiming the other side is defending genocide

    “Both sides”

    See. You’re pulling the ridiculous “both sides” bullshit.

    The argument that one side is defending genocide is bad faith

    No it isn’t. You’re just pretending it is, willfully ignoring the reality of the situation. Israel is most definitely defending a genocide.


    “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

    “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.


    THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Accused of committing genocide against Palestinians, Israel insisted at the United Nations’ highest court Friday that its war in Gaza was a legitimate defense of its people and that it was Hamas militants who were guilty of genocide.

    More than 23,000 people in Gaza have been killed during Israel’s military campaign, according to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory. That toll does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. Nearly 85% of Gaza’s people have been driven their homes, a quarter of the enclave’s residents face starvation, and much of northern Gaza has been reduced to rubble.

    … this amounts to genocide and is part of decades of Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

    “The scale of destruction in Gaza, the targeting of family homes and civilians, the war being a war on children, all make clear that genocidal intent is both understood and has been put into practice. The articulated intent is the destruction of Palestinian life,” said lawyer Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, adding that several leading politicians had made dehumanizing comments about people in Gaza.


    #Rights expert finds ‘reasonable grounds’ genocide is being committed in Gaza

  • Yes, “rather than”. Do you know what those words mean?

    It doesn’t mean the same as “in addition to”, does it?

    “Everything else you say is completely…”

    You are the one pulling an ad hominem, not me. You ignore my answer to your “argument” and go on to attack my person. Your entire argument is “without the context of the site we’re on, no-one could know what this is referring to”, as if this was some sort of “both sides” bullshit, which you claim to despise.

    It’s not. Everyone knows Israel is genociding Palestine and not a single reasonable person would argue that Palestine is trying to genocide Israel.


    During the day-long discussion, speakers were near-unanimous in demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and warning against the catastrophic consequences of Israel’s assault on Rafah, where more than 1.5 million have congregated. Many underscored that while the adopted resolution represents the first step towards fulfilling the international community’s obligations to Palestine, ensuring its full UN membership is imperative.

    Israel’s assault on Rafah.

    Fuck your equivocating teenage propaganda bullshit.

  • You don’t understand what tbe words “ad hominem” or “genocide”


    You’re a little kid larping a philosopher. Badly.

    To be clear, the “genocide” Israel supporters (unfairly) accuse others of defending is the Hamas attack on Israel, where Hamas killed unarmed civilians at close range, proudly recording it on video

    In a highly charged ruling in January, the court ordered Israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza

    Again, you don’t seem to understand what “genocide” means.

    It’s not “both sides”. “Both sides” do not have cases in the ICC about being accused of genocide. Both sides do not have convictions from the ICC that they need to do all the can to stop genocidal actions being undertaken.

    You genocide defenders make me fucking sick. Grow some balls and question your brainwashing.

  • ethnicity

    ¦the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.

    Of course it’s an ethnicity. The mental fucking gymnastics you genocides defenders come up with.

    because frankly, not my fucking problem.

    We live in a global, interconnected society. Yes, it is your fucking problem, no matter how indirectly.

    First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me

  • What the fuck are you smoking?

    Outside of shitty Israeli propaganda, no-one thinks Israel is under the threat of genocide.

    And who think that Israel is committing one? The rest of the fucking world.

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven.

    — Desmond Tutu

  • Unless you’re a spy who ran from Russia (and basically not even then, as we have supo), why would that matter?

    Unlike the US, Finland has and continues to successfully avoid Russia meddling in it’s affairs.

    We got labour protection, social security and have among other things, fixed homelessness.

    Yes, there’s a lot of issues as well, but compared to other countries, I’d say the average person is fairly well off in Finland in terms of financial security. Mental health is a whole other matter, though.

  • I’ll let anyone buy a Finnish residency. Just pay me a to-be-agreed-upon sum and then we’ll get married and it should be quite a done deal. Perhaps need to keep addresses the same on paper for a few years but that’s it.

    Hit me with them offers.