What is Joe short for (in the coffee sense) in your mind? I know there’s a few theories, and the jamoke one seems the most plausible to me.
Mostly a backup account for now, other @Deebster
s are available.
What is Joe short for (in the coffee sense) in your mind? I know there’s a few theories, and the jamoke one seems the most plausible to me.
It’s definitely a bit of a confusing garden-path sentence.
A bitcoin millionaire could’ve been eating it as we speak
There’s enough words there - I read it as “when this widely-used client added feature x”…
Attacking and undermining inconvenient legal institutions, straight out of the fascist playbook.
Why, who’s Joseph M Basile?
I can imagine the delivery trucks being held up by locals wanting their water back. The trouble is, the people who work at the plant are the locals - as the article makes clear, some welcome Nestle et al because they want the jobs.
It’s irrational, which just appears random (which is why I said pseudorandom).
I don’t see why not, it’s just numbers, which is all we store most data as.
You could use it as a source of pseudorandom numbers to encrypt an infinite data steam, e.g. we’ll encrypt using e, starting at position 40468.
It’s the modern answer to office toys.
I laughed at that too - they knew what they were doing, right?
I watched and enjoyed that one yesterday, and he’s bang on the money. People here are saying “well it’s EoL” but that means it’s got all the way through development and its full lifetime with such a prominent set of bugs.
I don’t think I’ll be buying D-Link if that’s what supported means.
And this is me, doing exactly that!
edit: turns out it’s not down, just that my search term seems cursed
Archive Today mirror: https://archive.ph/iGyR2
What about people that doesn’t see images by default, or don’t know what TestFlight means? Or those just seeing the post title in the list? You can just edit your title to start with "TestFight: " and resolve this (quicker than arguing!)
If you knew this, you should mention it in your original post - people trying to help you need to know this, and you’re making it look like a problem with the main app.
makes sense or is reasonable
That’s getting less and less relevant every day.
To be fair, you’ve added commas which makes it a parenthetical phrase. But yeah - people do speak like this in real life; technically, I should have said no-one speaks like this in non-impromptu speech without sounding stilted.
“Carl said on Thursday” is definitely more idiomatic (to my BrE ears, anyway) than “Carl on Thursday said”.
linker = "/usr/bin/clang-15"`
rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=--ld-path=/usr/local/bin/mold"]
Can you put something like mold
or env mold
for better portability?
If not, I guess it’s not so bad to edit and do git update-index --assume-unchanged .cargo/config.toml
but it’s a bit hacky since any further changes also get ignored.
I was reading through that, waiting for them to mention marine fuel (which they do). Cleaner fuel is causing less cloud cover, so we’ve been accidentally geoengineering a cooler climate for a while - until we “fixed” it in 2020.
I read/watched something a few years back arguing that we should shoot sea water into the air from cargo ships to restore this beneficial effect.