I put weight on deliberately when starting on HRT and at points when I increased my estrogen dose.
It didn’t help and I have very small boobs. I’ve done caloric restriction and large amounts of exercise a few times when further increasing estrogen or changing from pills to patches and it’s not really impacted breast growth.
Some trans girls are just up against the genetic lottery and you’ll end up small no matter what. In my case, none of the cisgender women in my immediate family have anything above an A cup and coupled with broader shoulders from an original testosterone puberty means I’ve got not much at all!
Which is a lot to say that trying to game it via weight gain and loss isn’t going to make a huge difference and you should get development no matter, unless you are on a starvation diet.
Do you sit with your head turned to the side when using the mouse and keyboard? 😱
The US regime believes in notifying parents, irrespective of the possible harm, if their child might be gay or trans but won’t bother with bullying so severe it leads to suicide. The US is fucked.
Ahh, phrenology is apparently scientific if you do it with AI?
I fucking hate this timeline
He’s somewhat gotten the point and it’s definitely not the worst reaction but be prepared for things not to be smooth and for the acceptance and understanding never to come. This may not be the case, but from my experience, those who state that they would rather you explore other options first will always have an alternative option that is perceived by them to be a better outcome.
Just be ready to cut this person out of your life. I really hope it doesn’t come to that for you, but I’ve had people like that which still fail to accept and understand after multiple diagnoses and over a decade later.
Ahhh, Semiosis had it right all along!
I think it is a link to X so I won’t click on it.
This was just announced https://retrohandhelds.gg/retroid-pocket-flip-2-announced/
I’m not surprised sadly - I have a PhD in chemistry and then continued to a postdoc and teaching before heading elsewhere. During my undergraduate there was a woman on the course who was very good and very competent but was also evangelical to the point of believing in a young Earth. To her, concepts such as half-lives were just lies that needed to be learnt.
Normally that has been flushed out by the time of doing a PhD, but if not it really should be.
Kinda totally past the point of caring about that distinction tbh. We’re seeing where conservatism leads and it’s abhorrent for anyone with a mild sense of decency that cares a shred about science and a world with even a hint of equality and acceptance.
Six months? Didn’t the orange fascist suggest he could sort it in a day?
Wait, what’s that? He lies and is incompetent? No way /shocked pikachu
I really cannot fathom how anyone that has been paying the slightest bit of attention to anything they’ve been doing during their PhD could vote for Trump and his fascists.
They were very clear what they were going to do and that included cutting this support.
It’s a huge assault on the sciences and Trump being in power and acting as king has already been impacting American researchers in hard sciences to the point where papers on physics and chemistry that are under peer review are requested by authors (and in some cases journals that should be investigated by COPE) to be substantially changed.
The censorship is incredibly wide ranging and these idiot PhDs don’t seem to have woken up yet to how bad it is.
Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Pushing Ice. Semiosis trilogy. Ninefox Gambit. Schild’s Ladder. Firefall.