This isn’t the right community. Try tipofmytongue community.
This isn’t the right community. Try tipofmytongue community.
Early access and beta and alpha terms for games. Also, early access has a time limit.
Alpha - we’re adding and removing features.
Beta - we’re 90% polishing 10% adding/removing.
Early access - just fixing bugs. Maximum 3 to 6 months.
You can stay in alpha and beta as long as you want. I don’t want to change game dev actuality. I just want the terms to reflect what’s actually going on.
You’re correct but that’s very consequential and OP asked for inconsequential
Ah, social anxiety. Yep. My first recognition into info dumping and realizing people didn’t care was in my late 20s. I really find copyright law and technology fascinating. I loved tech dirt blog at the time. I started noticing that people’s eyes would glaze over and the conversation would die. (I’m sure I did this before but never noticed.)
Nowaday, I drop a nugget or fact and let them ask me if they want to know more. It’s a skill.
Oh what? Hold up. I’ll rehost it.
It’s not making me join FTR.
I can’t save the world, but I can make my corner a little nicer.
Decision results in bad outcome. Oh well, lesson learned.
Time? Don’t you mean times?
Catbox mirror -
(fan remake of scene 27, by fatal farm. Extremely graphic and NSFW)
Their prices are no better than somewhere like Walmart,
And their products are smaller. There are Dollar General sized versions. So you end up with less product per dollar spent.
A lot of people used pandemic relief funds to invest, notably in real estate.
$1400 to invest in real estate?!
The album features production by Skrillex, Datsik, Feed Me, Excision, 12th Planet, Downlink, Kill the Noise, and Noisia. Monti, and Datsik contributed to the mixing process.
Uh, that’s a good pedigree for a dubstep album.
Rock Sound gave the album an 8/10 rating
Sputnikmusic strongly criticized the album giving it a score of 0.5/5
Very mixed reception
listen for yourself:
I’ve also been through at least several primary care physicians because the ones I have seen are so short and don’t really take time to get to know you at all. They just pop in, ask you a handful of questions and leave, if your test results come back with anything abnormal, they say it’s nothing to worry about, they don’t want to take any extra time to help look into anything or diagnose you… like wtf?
Because we’re not people to them. They’re incentivized to treat us like cars. Repair as fast and as many as you can to get the most money.
Did you follow some guide when replacing the nozzle and bowden tube?
No, it’s pretty intuitive so I just did it.
Did you hot tighten it when putting them back?
What speed are you printing at, which you think is too slow? What’s your acceleration?
I was printing a speed test, the inbuilt one from Orca Slicer. Starts with a huge, slow brim, then low speed 10 layers, then slightly faster 10 layers, repeat until it fails.
You say you think you’re having heatcreep issues, what exactly are the issues you’re having?
there’s a swelling of the filament, about 1" tall, above the hot end.
Related - I’ve replaced the PTFE tube with a higher quality one and I’ve replaced the nozzle (it was indeed clogged).
doctortran? The doctortran? The real doctor? The dashing special agent with a PHD in kicking your ass? (
Counterpoint: Highly recommend watching the trailer! I had no idea what this was and am quite confident that it’s not for me.
One time I commented that my favorite game was WoW, down voted -15 for no apparent reason.
I wouldn’t use that as evidence that you were bot-attacked. A lot of people don’t like WoW and are mad at it for disappointing them. *coughSHADOWLANDScough*
At some point, it will slow down, and then stop
All of the current scientific evidence disagrees with this. 1) There is a velocity such that you can go faster than gravity will be able to slow you down: escape velocity. So, it’s possible even without any new, weird physics. 2) The hubble constant shows that the universe isn’t slowing down, but the opposite: it’s accelerating. Physics doesn’t know why (see Dark Energy). It’s physically measurable that things farther away are accelerating even faster scaling with distance.
It’s not on paper, just the bare plastic. (Cutting a parchment circle is a PITA. Would be easier with a rectangular sheet, I imagine.)
That said, I’ve not had this problem with grape or apple fruit leather.