Germany says ‘blackmail’ of Ukraine will bring more war
Germany’s foreign minister Annalena Baerbock says Europe must put pressure on the US to stand by its European allies and warned against forcing Kyiv to surrender […] Baerbock’s statements were similar to those of other European leaders discussing how to approach likely changes to transatlantic relations during Trump’s second term.
Sollte es zu dieser Art ‘Frieden’ kommen, wird Russland nach der Ukraine das nächste Land angreifen, und dann das nächste …, und China wird Taiwan angreifen und seine Aggressionen in Asien gegen seine Nachbarn (Nepal, Indien, Philippinen, u.a.) verschärfen. Deshalb unterstützt China letztlich auch Russland in diesem Krieg.
Wenn Putins Russland nicht vollständig aus der Ukraine abzieht, sieht es düster aus für den Frieden in Europa und der Welt.
Da China den “Trump-Vorstoß” unterstützt, dann wird Frau Weidel wohl nicht dagegen sein.
Your statement is outright false and dehumanizing. As the article says, amongst others, the Vietnamese government is “imprisoning individuals who express legitimate concerns on environmental protection, labour and land rights violations”, and is committing severe crimes against humanity, e.g., the systematic suppression of individuals and organisations working on sustainable development.
Just read the article.
Calling this “successful” is dehumanizing and disgusting.
Russia targets infrastructure in Ukraine’s east and south in extensive overnight air attack
Russia launched 161 drones and a dozen missiles overnight, targeting gas infrastructure in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region and hitting power supply in the southern Odesa region for a second night in a row, Ukrainian officials said on Thursday.
The attack was part of an intensified assault on Ukraine’s energy system over the past month as Russia discusses ending its war in Ukraine with the new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump, who has blamed Ukraine for Russia’s invasion.
I read of a similar treatment for another disease two years ago and found the report. That’s absolutely amazing.
In a first, doctors treat fatal genetic disease before birth (November 2022)
A toddler is thriving after doctors in the U.S. and Canada used a novel technique to treat her before she was born for a rare genetic disease that caused the deaths of two of her sisters.
Ayla Bashir, a 16-month-old from Ottawa, Ontario, is the first child treated as fetus for Pompe disease, an inherited and often fatal disorder in which the body fails to make some or all of a crucial protein.
I am not sure whether I understand all comments (and whether all understand the article), so just for clarification: This is not a deliberate attack against Poland. This is space debris that crashed in Poland accidentally. It can happen anywhere anytime, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s from SpaceX, NASA, ESA, China, Russia, India or any other country. The point is that we have too many of this debris in our earth’s orbit, and we needed international collaboration to eliminate or at least mitigate the risk of falling debris. As the expert in the added article said:
Near-Earth orbital space is finite. We should be treating it like a finite resource. We should be managing it holistically across countries, with coordination and planning and these sorts of things. But we don’t do that.
A person being “detained” could literally just be a traffic stop or any other interaction with a police officer.
No, a traffic stop or an interaction with a police officer isn’t a detention. We are talking here about people who are wrongfully imprisoned for several years.
The vast majority of these people are wrongfully detained after what is called a “closed door trial”. Essentially, this means that often not even their lawyers know what they are accused of. Very often, for example, authorities say it is for “espionage”, though it remains fully unclear what this alleged espionage would have been.
You’ll find a lot of credible reports from very reliable sources. During the pandemic, the situation in China regarding this practice is said to have worsened.
[Edit typo.]
Dazu passt ein interessanter Beitrag der Tagesschau aus dem Jahr 2019.
Geheime AfD-Spenden: Spur zum Umfeld eines Duisburger Milliardärs (April 2019)
>Im Fall der mysteriösen Spende zugunsten von Alice Weidels Wahlkreis am Bodensee führen Recherchen ins Umfeld von Henning Conle, Erbe des LTU-Gründers und Immobilienhändler.
Erst sollte eine Schweizer Pharmafirma namens PWS dem Wahlkreis von AfD-Fraktionschefin Alice Weidel 132.000 Euro für ihren Wahlkampf gespendet haben. Dann tauchte eine angebliche Spenderliste auf mit 14 Namen von angeblichen Geldgebern. Tatsächlich waren es aber Strohleute.
[…] Deren Namen weisen nun aber offenbar zum wahren Geldgeber: Nach Informationen von WDR, NDR und “Süddeutscher Zeitung” sowie dem “Schweizer Tagesanzeiger” führt die Spur ins Umfeld des aus Duisburg stammenden, in der Schweiz und London lebenden Immobilien-Milliardärs Henning Conle. Ein mit der Angelegenheit Vertrauter bestätigte das Umfeld des verschwiegenen Milliardärs als eigentlichen, bislang geheimen Spender.
This is the same weird pattern of conversation we and a couple of others have had in this community in another thread. I am sorry, but your behaviour is again very weird, and it seems even more so as it comes from a moderator. I don’t understand why you are getting offensive if someone else has a different opinion or corrects you of a simple mistake everyone of us happens to make once in a while.
I have just said what the facts are as it’s clearly visible on the site. That’s not rude, and I have not ‘chosen to believe’ something. I have nothing more to add here.
I don’t accuse you -nor anyone else- of nothing. I am just stating the facts.
Remarks like the one on the site like “What follows is an edited transcript” are done by journalists to signal that the interviewee hasn’t said so literally, because the spoken word is different from the written one. They edit minor things from the transcript. That doesn’t mean that the article has been edited.
And as we can see from the data on the original site, the article has indeed been not edited.
The posted version was published yesterday, 18 Feb at 17:08, and there is no edited version now as I write this comment. It’s the same version.
Man sollte sich im Klaren sein, dass solche Technologien nicht im großem Stil umweltfreundlich herstellbar sind.
Es werden laut der Studie sowohl umwelt- als auch sozialrechtliche Gesetze nicht eingehalten. Das geht sogar soweit, dass bei chinesischen Batterieherstellern in Ungarn “sklavenähnliche” Arbeitsverhältnisse herrschen. Das steht so im Report. So etwas hatte der chinesische Autohersteller BYD auch in Brasilien, weshalb die dortige Regierung auch die Fabrik geschlossen hat.
Zudem sind die Verträge derart ausgestaltet, dass das Know-how nach China abwandert, auch wenn es von der EU finanziert wird.
Yes, I did read the interview. This is why I am wondering about your comment.
Just read the article and about China’s new ‘guidelines.’
Btw, there are around 10,000 foreigners wrongfully detained in China, most of them are not officially named by their countries.
What are ‘all the questions about an actual own plan’ she dodges?
Could be, I read ‘slams’, but it’s not much difference anyway :-)
Not sure if I understand you right, but unless they do some A/B testing my headline above is the original one. I didn’t edit.
What do you understand by capitalism? China -a self-defined socialist country- is almost a role model for what goes wrong in the fight for climate change in the way you are describing. China’s fossil fuel production and consumption are outpacing its increase in renewable energy and that is the reason why the country is -contrary what Beijing’s propaganda wants the world make to believe- desperately failing in its climate policy.
I don’t know of these particular European/African projects’ environmental impacts, but I don’t question them either. But this has nothing to do with ‘capitalism’ or any perceived societal model.