• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • KDE has a good zoom feature built in, however it keeps the mouse centered which is good for doing precise graphical thing, but maybe not the best for gaming. It’s good for reading if you hold your mouse still. You can absolutely find or make a green cursor. Some guy here said gaming on Linux is janky but honestly I’ve been super impressed for the past year I’ve used it. I only had one game that wouldn’t run out of the box so far and got it running by installing some Microsoft VC runtime or something. Everything else just starts runs without issue. Edit: runs without issue in steam.

  • I did a workaround by editing a script I found and don’t understand using xprop, xwininfo, and xdotool. I probably should have mentioned that I’m using X, most of this stuff doesn’t work on Wayland. Here’s my script so far:

    # The script is looking for a window with a given WM_CLASS property. The window
    # will be attached to the root node (R in the graph below), the root note is
    # what you get from 'xprop -root'. There are two different types of windows with
    # the same WM_CLASS (Q and W) but their tree structures are different. However,
    # the tree structure of the two windows are different as seen in the graph
    # below.
    #     R
    #    / \
    #   A   Y
    #  /\    \
    # B  C    X
    #     \    \
    #      Q    W
    # To run the script 'xprop' and 'xwininfo' must be installed.
    # NOTE: This script will not work if a window is not brought to top when it is
    # created.
    # regex for extracting hex id's
    function grep_parent_id {
        local result="`xwininfo -tree -id $1 | grep 'Parent window id:' | grep -o $grep_id`"
        echo "$result"
    # for every change in the root window's _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property, which
    # is supposed to hold the currently active window (I believe this depends on the WM)
    # note that the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW event will be triggered if a window that is already
    # open is brought to top.
    xprop -spy -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | grep --line-buffered -o $grep_id |
    while read -r id; do
        class="`xprop -id $id WM_CLASS | grep $class_name`"
        if [ -n "$class" ]; then
            parent_id=$(grep_parent_id $id)
            grand_parent_id=$(grep_parent_id $parent_id)
            grand_parent_tree="`xwininfo -id $grand_parent_id -tree`"
            # If the the grand_parent has two children we have found window Q
            tree_check="`grep -o '2 children:' <<< $grand_parent_tree`"
            if [ -z "$tree_check" ]; then
    	    if xprop -id "$id" | grep -q 'WM_NAME(STRING) = "TeamViewer Authentication"'; then
    	            echo "Found window (W), it has ID: $id"
    		    echo "key Tab
    		    key space
    		    key shift+Tab
    		    key shift+Tab
    		    key Down
    		    key Tab
    		    type {my-username}
    		    key Tab" | xdotool -
    		    # wait for the window to be closed
    		    xprop -spy -id $id > /dev/null 2>&1

    It spits out errors after the window closes because I think it’s trying to get windows properties from the now closed window, but it gets the job done!