Wait, how the fuck are only Central Europe, Finland and Estonia in support of encryption. What the actual fuck people?
Wait, how the fuck are only Central Europe, Finland and Estonia in support of encryption. What the actual fuck people?
Nobody is asking you to fly someone’s flag. Trans people just want the freedom of not being refused jobs and generally not be verbally assaulted and then denied at any institution they visit. These people can barely live, because assholes in power actively go out of their way to fuck them over.
Oh what’s that? You look, sound and act like a man, but upon closer inspection your ID says F? Guess you’re just not a good fit for this society, sorry, better luck next time!
I’m sick of people making this about some culture war. It’s about freedom of expression. A core principle of the constitution and the human rights charter! A violation of such core principles, will eventually came to bite you too, once trans people, but also immigrants and other minorities are gone and the rich need a new scapegoat. Next will come thought crime, once we all look the same, like in the old days.
Ok, so fucking as many women as possible in a short amount of time, literally the gayest thing one can do. Understood.
That’s the strongest incel cope I’ve ever heard, god damn…
Also find it funny that MAGA and similar seem to be the most confused about gender, despite claiming it to be quite clear, only 2. But like, does fucking around make your wife a man or you a woman? Also since we’re swapping genders on the fly, does MAGA now support trans people??? XDDD
I’m still surprised that taxing the rich is such a difficult bill to pass. Assuming we live in a democracy, the 1% shouldn’t be able to have such sway over the population.
The realization that most of my family, given the rise of fascism, would be fascist enablers. Same with like 90% of the people at work.
The onion now doing actual journalism? What has the world cone to?
I’d say a hug to fend of the trauma of having a father that profited of the excruciating deaths of the untold masses, would be warranted. While I don’t know their situation, if they happily profited along, not so much.
Remember, these people have wealth beyond our wildest dreams, they can distance them selves or even run away and still be set for life.
Oh I see. It’s the America equivalent of a UK person upon seeing a shoplifter going “I didn’t see nothing officer”.
I’m not noticing much follow up action. I’d like to be proud of you people for once, show the world you aren’t COMPLETELY incapable of citizen led change. If you want to be free the establishment needs to change, not just billionaires sharing a TINY bit more, hoping that’s enough to not be shot.
Nah, that’s silly, clearly the situation didn’t have enough guns. /s
It wouldn’t be like that if we could work on something that makes sense to us. But no, we have to desperately find whatever is valuable enough to some rich dickwad that has no clue and then kiss their ass doing shit poorly their way. My work would be a million times better if my suggestions weren’t always shut down on the basis of “well, I’m above you, and I made this decision before you, so suck it”, especially when it’s a system only I have to interact with and is trivial to remake.
Only people that are mentally ill. Which wouldn’t happen if we actually invested in the wellbeing of our community. I honestly see no point in being so rich if I have to inhabit such a shit environment. Sadly most rich assholes chose to isolate, rather than invest in their surrounding. It’s a bit of a shit loop.
I like Swiss trans as an example. Because they’re soo good, rich people use em, which means more investment (money and effort) goes in, which means more rich people use public transit. It’s the same loop but in reverse.
On a side note I always find it funny seeing presidents on the news commute. In Europe, often enough they have like 2 people accompany them as they just fucking walk next to regular citizens, meanwhile in the US, Russia and China, anybody hopping the designated perimeter gets tackled.
I love that when these people make such analogies and fail miserably, never do they take it as a moment for reflection.
I started programing at such a young age that I don’t even remember how it went. Makes it difficult to teach as I find it hard to relate to newbies. I’m quite used to just learning my self and sometimes hitting roads that lead to nowhere. In the past that I actually remember, I’ve only been learning new paradigms, deepening my understanding of low level stuff and mastering my art. Hardly stuff I can give along to a newbie.
Slightly unrelated rant.
I’m tried of these culture wars. It’s complete nonsense. I’m not particularly LGBT+ but it shouldn’t matter. This is about freedom for fucks sake! People just want to live and exercise their human rights! Anybody telling others they mustn’t exist their way is an enemy of humanity! The fact that people get denied jobs and even have their rights restricted, just because some asshole finds out the ID doesn’t match is fucking repulsive!
Recently had a chat with my aunt and she just “you can’t expect people to immediately accept changes”, shut the fuck up! It’s not a change! It’s a core value that’s been in our constitution for longer than any of us have been alive. But clearly, despite being raise on these values, I’m the only one who believes them. Like some fucking santa claus shit!
Jesus christ, it feels like everyday I learn a new dreadful horror about American life. How the fuck have we not run out of these creepy facts yet? The country is soo fucked up, I swear to god… It’s honestly hard to belive it’s a real place, it didn’t really sink in how much of a shit hole it is until I saw it my self… It’s a twilight world where pain is a virtue for some reason.
They actually do generate enough revenue in a year. Ignoring business expenses ofc. That would be the 15b figure below. Elon is quite literally asking for an amount that would be comparable to liquidating all of tesla, selling off every scrap.
The 2008 crisis was an example of mass fraud, and I’d be happy to be proven wrong. You can’t point to historical data saying your investment strategy is safe, even tho you completely changed the model. Saying “mortgages are safe” doesn’t mean shit, if to compensate for demand you start handing out mortgages like candy.
I think calling it gambling is quite charitable. And ofc all the scam artists banks got bailed out.
The stock market in general is joke. There are so many stocks where it’s an open secret they are fake. Like the Ruble, Tesla and most crypto currencies. The stock market is a world of make believe, where any random decision can change everything. It still fascinates me that the second trump won with his tarifs on EVERYTHING, the stock market grew. What’s next? “Company CEO starts randomly shooting all his employees, stocks reach all time high!”
The nice thing is, you can pretty easily run both and switch around. Just get a distro with one, and then it’s usually just 1 or 2 commands to get the other as a choice on the login screen. KDE and Gnome apps are also largely compatible, regardless of desktop environment.
I’ve been using KDE mostly, it’s just nice being able to customize it so easily without too much technical knowledge of the environment or hoping someone already made an extension for it like on Gnome. Then again, some may like the simplicity of shopping around for extensions and calling it a day, or later even editing the extensions.
Recently, for my tiny laptop I switched to gnome, it’s also just pretty :)