• 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Orange Pi 3b with dietpi.

    I’ve had Big screen work before in Raspberry Pi 4 (even made a meme about back when I was tinkering around with different OS’s on it to see potential uses for my rpi), but Orange Pis are cheaper and the hardware is more open source, so I’m curious if I would get better responsiveness out of it. Plus the Orange Pi I have has 8gb too.

  • Just look at some of the comments.

    A lot are still “the OS is great you’re the issue” (nvm that clean installs sometimes have these issues) or “git gud scrub” or “just post some error logs” even though that gets a reply maybe half the time (which gets again into expecting something the average person wouldn’t know how to do btw, which is a problem if you want better adoption) or “but Windoze does has problems111!”.

    The reality is that Linux still can’t be stably used for a lot of standard things: new(and newish) hardware, printing, lack of good UI design in many programs, and to a degree gaming (it’s been massively improved there though thanks to Proton).

    Yeah, Windows has problems. But those arise more typically for advanced users (and that’s including Windows 11 being more and more broken over time).

    If you just want to browse the internet and use some office apps, with no dual booting, it’ll just work. That’s the reality of it, and it makes sense considering it’s supported by a multi billion dollar company.

    I know Linux for desktop has come a long way (I remember the Slackware days). But until the more boring stuff gets worked out, it’ll still be hard for it to be used more commonly, and thus harder for it to get more funding and usage as well. That’s why I think Linux is stuck in the 4% rut - sure it looks pretty now, but there’s still a lot of under the hood tinkering required to just do basic things on standard hardware.

    Despite the venting it’s still a great thing it exists and I love Linux. But I think that’s what makes me wish it could work better in some cases.

    Idk, maybe it’s just Debian based distros these days and I’m behind in the curve. Fedora based ones like Bazzite haven’t given me issues so far at least.

  • You: an eye for an eye makes the world blind

    Also you: well war isn’t that bad, it’s war crimes that are bad!

    Also, failing reading comprehension again, but to be fair English is your second language. I said Netanyahu and co., as in company, as in also the defense minister. Yes, that would manage to stop the genocidal war, because the rabid leadership that wants it would be dead, and politically they would have to scramble in order to maintain majority coalition.

    How is that even remotely comparable to sending off bombs to be exploded in population centers with children?

    For someone in the military you really don’t seem to understand how modern warfare works, at all. A lot of modern warfare is urban now, not in fields - you know, places where non-combatants are. This is why Finland also offers civilian support training as an option for the mandatory regimen - such as learning how to build defences in city streets. **Even regular war occurs where there are children in modern times.**Even in ancient times. Hence, war is war. Children die in war, and your thick ass skull doesn’t seem to get the root issue is war itself. War crimes are the ugliest thing of war, but war itself is already terrible.

    Secondly, this wasn’t just “sending off bombs to be exploded”. This was a directed supply chain attack - it’s not like grenades or rockets were just launched at city streets. They specifically infiltrated Hezbollah, convinced then to use Walkie Talkies and gave them tainted ones, that seemed to have also been tapped , then convinced them to use pagers as an extra precaution and gave them tainted ones too, then detonated those first rather than the walkie talkies to make them think the first form of communication was safe, then the walkie talkies. These were items designed to be carried around by the enemy, not indiscriminate bombing, and designed to disrupt and slow down their comms. Even without killing, it has incapacitated a huge amount of the enemy, and made them easier to identify by cross referencing hospital records with other Intel.

    That is vastly different than what you imply. This if anything resulted in the least amount of casualties, considering the enemy combatants are mostly non-uniformed, and rarely attack directly in a front line.

    Could you come up with a better way to deal with a zealot theocratic group also intent on genocide that fires missiles remotely and indiscriminately constantly at the general population that isn’t directly starting a war in another country? Of course, you’ll ignore this question just like every other thing I brought up that’s extremely inconvenient for you to answer.

    That’s why I also brought up Finland and the Nazis - the Nazis just happen to be fighting the Soviets at the time didn’t make the Nazis good, did it? Same here with Mossad fighting Hezbollah.

  • War is war, civil or not. I also mentioned WW2 since Finland did ally with the Nazis.

    No, I’m giving you a moral dilemma to show you your own hypocrisy. Injuring thousands of Hezbollah members will save lives too - these are the people firing missiles at civilians as well (unless you’re saying every Israeli is guilty, in which that says a lot more about how ducked up you are if true).

    Hence I gave you a similar scenario. Because if the tables were turned - if someone managed to explode Netanyahu and co’s phones and kill him, you’d probably be cheering even if children died, because it would mean a genocidal war would be halted.

    You prefer the few rather than the greater good. And that always leads to more death rather than less. And quite frankly, makes you a shit military member to boot. Because it means if Russia did attack Finland, you’d prefer Putin alive if the opening for taking him out would kill a few innocents - even though letting him live would mean many more dying.

    None of this exonerates Israel btw - an evil accidentally doing a net good doesn’t stop that evil from being evil. But Hezbollah taking such a heavy hit with very few bystander casualties is a best case scenario, because the alternative - doing nothing - would have eventually led to more deaths.