• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Flirtation is a lot easier and more comfortable when you know the person already likes you. And it can seem creepy to them if they don’t already like you. So it might be good to not flirt until you’re confident it will be well received and in the meantime just be friendly and sincere. An important aspect of potential relationships is not appearing as if you think someone’s only value is if they’re a potential partner. People talk to and know other people, so treating everyone well can improve chances of potential partners thinking well of you. Sometimes the best thing you can do to find a partner is to work on yourself.

  • There are a lot of hobbies you can get into that can be started with little or not cost, or with equipment/materials you already own.

    Figure out what interests you and see what can be done inexpensively.

    With a phone or computer, there’s writing, music, programming, learning new skills, Wikipedia, Pinterest, et al. Maybe take your phone and start photographing stuff in your area that interests you.

    Find someone who has experience in an area you’re interested in. People tend to like to talk about their hobbies and interests and they can tell you how easy or difficult it is to get started. They might even be able to help you get started.

    Maybe find a volunteer opportunity that helps pad your resume. Like animals? Volunteer at a local shelter.

    There are a bunch of job certifications you can train for online that can also help build your resume.

  • Die Another Day was meh, but I really didn’t care for Skyfall and No Time to Die. The plots were too contingent on inorganic and out of character details. Q wouldn’t be stupid enough to plug a USB drive into an MI6 networked device found on a known hacker supervillain. The convenience of the targeted DNA nanobots just magically being declared to have no solution without anyone doing any testing of theories was unbelievable and just revealed the obvious “we need to kill Bond in this one so come up with a reason for him to die nobly” pitch meeting pitch. It ruined the suspension of disbelief entirely. I feel like they just tried too hard to keep upping the stakes and outdo themselves that it just ridiculous.

  • “Okay, I switched to Linux, now I’m getting this error message: _______.”

    “Install ______.”

    “It gives me this error now: ______.”

    “You have to update the _____ library first.”

    “It won’t let me.”

    “You have to use sudo.”

    “It tells me to clone the git via the command line, but git says verifying login from command line isn’t supported any more.”

    “You’re following seven year old instructions.”

    “They’re the only instructions I can find.”

    “You should switch to this other flavor of Linux.”