• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • "Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom (PLS) bezeichnet einen Zustand starker und anhaltender Realitätsverweigerung, gepaart mit massiver Erkenntnis- und Beratungsresistenz. Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom tritt recht häufig auf, schadet jedoch den Betroffenen kaum. Vielmehr leidet das Umfeld "

    ~ Google

  • I recently had a discussion with someone on Instagram, about freedom to and freedom from.

    Turned out they are a Nazi cosplayer with multiple uniforms, going to actual Neo-Nazi meetings.

    I got a strike on Instagram for mocking a bored ape owner, but the amount of actual Nazi sympathisers on that page is not an issue I guess.