Hit the gym brother or sister or something else completely
Hit the gym brother or sister or something else completely
Super Straight
Das geht mir so auf den Sack. Kenne einige die sich weigern Demos gegen Rechts und FFF zu gehen, weil es nicht auch für Palästina genutzt wird.
"Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom (PLS) bezeichnet einen Zustand starker und anhaltender Realitätsverweigerung, gepaart mit massiver Erkenntnis- und Beratungsresistenz. Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom tritt recht häufig auf, schadet jedoch den Betroffenen kaum. Vielmehr leidet das Umfeld "
Sag wobei du hilfe brauchst, musste da im Studium durch :)
How do they react to migrants and how long did it take for you to integrate?
Can I ask where you moved?
Can I ask what system you use?
He wasn’t german and I don’t think you’re german. Germans usually know a lot about ww2…
Wait, where did you get those?
They just are old enough now to understand that paizo is a proud lgbt+ supporter and blame 2e
But on top of that, the previous owner raised the new one. On top of the hotel issue we now have the same issues, but with the new owner
So it doesn’t matter how women in games are dressed, because they will nude mod it anyway. So why complain about Cammys leggins?
Darf man hier keinen Text Pfosten?
Yes, I know. I’m not a fan of that myself.
But the idea that current day Russia has it better is insane. The Propaganda has survived through 30 years of non existence
In Germany the left leaning parties want that shit. It sucks. They side with Russia atm as well and a lot of them just have this odd nostalgia for the time
I recently had a discussion with someone on Instagram, about freedom to and freedom from.
Turned out they are a Nazi cosplayer with multiple uniforms, going to actual Neo-Nazi meetings.
I got a strike on Instagram for mocking a bored ape owner, but the amount of actual Nazi sympathisers on that page is not an issue I guess.
It didn’t work for climate change and veganism, why would it now? It doesn’t