• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • For me too, it gives me an encouraging feeling like; hey, i’m not the only one who ran into this or that issue, or who switched to linux because of this or that reason. And it’s nice to know that i’m here with others who are also quite new. It would feel very daunting to be here and know that all members here have been ‘linuxing’ for decades and i would just lurk then.

    I always read those posts that OP mentions. If you don’t like them, just skip them? I’ve been with other lists for many years and newbies were always welcome. I liked answering their questions, even those i heard a 100 times before, and if i didn’t feel like it some days, i could always skip them and know that others would have answers too.