As someone with 7-year old, ADHD-I and AuDHD-C twins, I just have this to say: If you figure it out, please let me know!
As someone with 7-year old, ADHD-I and AuDHD-C twins, I just have this to say: If you figure it out, please let me know!
Absolutely. I have a 2016 Volt and I love it. I’ve gone 4200 miles between fill-ups; I charge at home and only fill up when I go on a long trip or the car decides the gas is too old. I get all the benefits of an EV, all the benefits of a hybrid, and all the benefits of a gas-car. Plug-in hybrids are a better way forward than full EV’s.
Armor by John Steakley is one of my favorites; it starts off quickly and keeps a steady pace through the book.
Back in the early 2000’s I was working tech support, which gave me admin access to users’ computers over the network. I could pop open their CD drives from my desk; drove one particular user absolutely batty for a day.
I bought M.A.S.K. on streaming to share it with my kids. It did not live up to my memories.
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