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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • As the writer has stated, the writer views any pronouns that are not capitalized as misgendering them, and stated the pronouns were chosen specifically to reflect the writer’s self-identified divine status as “goddess gender” (a term that, as far as I can tell, only exists on one wiki and the writer’s blog).

    The choice of capitalized pronouns was specifically chosen to imitate reverential capitalization, indicating divine status. As part of the writer’s argument, this is intended to put the writer on the same level as the Abrahamic God. The writer also states in the article that “by affirming trans capitalised pronoun users, generally you are dismantling monotheistic oppression,” which is a wild claim that I cannot agree with. The use of capitalized pronouns is therefore intended to strip the other party of their beliefs, either as a monotheist or atheist (as using reverential pronouns would also affirm a polytheist worldview that they disagree with).

    I cannot use any pronouns that do not acknowledge the writer’s claimed divine status without the writer claiming I am misgendering them. This is the most respectful way I can refer to the writer without acknowledging divine status or actively misgendering the writer.

    I am more than happy to use whichever (lowercase and grammatically correct) pronouns are requested, as I am more than happy to refer to you as they/them, (which is also the default I try to use, though I understand some people are frustrated with they/them as it can strip a chosen gender identity).

    Divine status is not a gender identity. Words mean things, and language can evolve, but this is specifically appropriating a style of writing while disparaging the source of that style.

  • The writer has stated in other comments that the writer is non-binary, which is the closest I can get to an answer to the question, but the actual answer to this question doesn’t matter. We can apply gender identity to humans and non-humans (e.g. animals, fictional aliens, heck even ships) but divinity is not a gender, it’s a supernatural or spiritual status.

    People are free to identify as whatever gender (or non-gender) they so choose but by telling me “you must accept that I am divine,” we’re having an entirely different discussion. By requesting capitalized pronouns, the writer is also requesting their spiritual beliefs to be affirmed, which is implicitly (and apparently intentionally) forcing the other party to change their spiritual beliefs.

  • So, wait, just to be clear: the writer is claiming that the writer’s gender is not a gender but instead that the writer has some divine status?

    M/F/NB/genderqueer/etc aside, human vs divine is not a gender question and this is no longer a discussion about pronouns showing respect and affirmation of gender identity, this is literally a demand for worship.

  • Holy crap this site is absolutely unbearable without an ad blocker.

    Seriously though Mohdi, if you don’t want people to be suspicious about you arresting your political opponents then you probably shouldn’t make a fuss when people are concerned. “Normal criminal arrest here, nothing to see” is much less guilty than calling in a diplomat to yell “How dare you question me!” at them.

  • Okay, I don’t want to be rude, and I am going to try to politely convey two things. Please don’t take these the wrong way, as I appreciate the fact that this community exists.

    1. You are the primary contributor because you post many, many articles in the span of a few minutes every couple of days. I’m not saying I’m a major contributing member, but getting my feed spammed every couple mornings with posts about climate news (which I accept can be marginally related to socialism), “Biden Couldn’t Care Less About Human Rights” (not really related to socialism, just another “Politician sucks” article, but sure, he’s doing it because capitalism, so just barely getting over the hurdle), and “Why are people frightened that kids will learn abouy sex?” (Absolutely not related to socialism, just a social issue), let’s just say it makes me feel like this community is a dumping ground for left-leaning gripes rather than an actual discussion of socialist action and values.

    I will say that I appreciate the posts about the numerous strikes happening around the US and world, those are good posts for this community. However, posting them all at once isn’t creating a healthy community, it’s just making me go “Oh, Wednesday morning is it? How many posts today? 9?” If the posts were spread out in time, I wouldn’t have the same reaction.

    1. “I made it and I’m in charge, no other opinions welcome” really is the weakest of arguments.