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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Livestock Guardian Dog

    Things like Great Pyrenees, Kuchi, most things with “shepherd” in the name, mastiffs. Breeds like that.

    Anecdote time: I have a Pyrenees collie mix, and a small terrier. The Pyrenees protects the terrier when they’re outside, mostly from the hawks/owls that like to fly around the fields looking for rodents. But I have gone to check on them before and opened the door just in time to see the Pyrenees barking up a storm chasing off a coyote. I’m confident that a coyote wouldn’t be able to get through my fence and attack the terrier before I could grab something and fight/scare it off, but I know with the Big Boye out there I don’t have to worry about it (but still do, people tell me I Dan leave them out there for longer periods but I keep pacing by the windows and back door to check on them every minute or so they’re out there)

  • I fucking hate modern categories.

    If I see Lord of the Rings listed in my science fiction category again I’m gonna reach through the internet to back hand whoever decided that through their computer screen.

    No, The Expanse does not count as Fantasy.

    Is it fantastical? I guess.

    Does it fit the movie genre of Fantasy?

    Fuck no. It’s 'Hard science fiction" as in science fiction based on real world science. Star trek is more soft science fiction. Possible, but basically magic to us. Star WARS on the other hand, I’d say fits into both.

    Most of my gripes come from science fiction categories and how their movies are labeled. I swear I once saw Bridget Jones listed in science fiction.

  • My mother WORKS IN HEALTHCARE as the intermediary for the hospital network and the insurance companies.

    She literally sees the Financials of people every fucking day.

    And still she thinks socialized Healthcare would tank the entire US. I’ve shown charts, studies, anecdotal evidence out the wazoo (which is where anecdotal evidence usually comes from) But no, I can’t possibly be right about this, it would mean someone who got stabbed will have to wait on 600 people with the sniffles to be seen by a doctor in 6 months. Because I guess in socialized medicine, triage doesn’t exist? You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into.

  • Legit had someone from my last job start going on a break room tirade about how “those damn unions just want your money” but strangely had no rebuttal when asked why giving them 2% of your paycheck is a bad thing when they negotiated your RAISE to be 15% and your health benefits add up to an additional savings of around 20%.

    I’m SO SORRY you’re getting extra money and healthcare rather than the NOTHING you had before.

    Nowadays I like to print up cards with unionizing information on them, facts vs myths, links to read up more, anti-union tactics, links to join unions, links to find HELP setting up a union, and basically anything I could cram into a business card. Now I leave about 10 of them any time I go into a non union store.

    Given how previous management has reacted to “someone” leaving these in the break room, I’m sure I’ve caused a few sleepless nights.