The thing about tokens, they get spent. First: Roe overturn. Completed Second: Obergefell overturn. In process. Third: Lawrence overturn. In process. Fourth: Griswald overturn. In process. Soon: Loving overturn. Coming.
The thing about tokens, they get spent. First: Roe overturn. Completed Second: Obergefell overturn. In process. Third: Lawrence overturn. In process. Fourth: Griswald overturn. In process. Soon: Loving overturn. Coming.
Go forth with my blessings.
I am guessing it was the second half. “You pulled a three year old account of the mothballs to post something that stupid? Your mother should have gone through with her Planned Parenthood appointment.”
I haven’t been full banned yet but have grown tired of the amazing levels of stupidity. I caught a temp ban for incivility for writing “Your mother should have gone through with her Planned Parenthood appointment.”
Of course it’s company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo… always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo.
“I will fix everything by being a dictator on day one.”
https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft Word - 6254.pdf