• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “I hope I don’t offend people, but [Premier David Eby] is a socialist. He believes very strongly in big government. … He’s also an authoritarian who does not respect democracy and local governance.”

    I see a lot Conservatives on social media call people Communist when describing Socialist leaning politics. it’s kinda funny if you know any CCP living people here they have a clear bias towards supporting Conservatives.

    “That is not the approach that we want to take… and so it’s not a fit for what we are thinking.”

    In regards to Rustad firing the current PHO. Do people think it’s a good thing to hire Provincial Health Officer based on how they fit their ideology.

  • At 3:40 in the video of OP he states there are names in the unredacted report but “some names is not also there”.

    I think people are reading to much into how alarmed Singh is of the report vs May. As noted in the article there will be a public inquiry with the final report well before an expected election and they’ve made amendments to include concerns found in this report.

    Justice Marie-Josée Hogue is currently leading the public inquiry into foreign interference and is expected to deliver a final report at the end of the year.

    Earlier this week, the Liberals supported a Bloc Quebecois motion for the foreign interference commissioner’s mandate to include the report’s allegations – though whether or not it will be included in Hogue’s probe is ultimately up to her.

  • 65% of the Canadian population are homeowners

    This is StatCan’s explanation of the number you’re referring to: .

    While people somewhat loosely use that number for home owners I believe it a highly inaccurate phrasing of the statistic. The statistic is owner-occupied homes.

    It’s always the homeowner boogeyman when in reality the problem comes from the government spending money wherever and not applying strict foreign home purchasing laws that keep increasing home prices.

    And they’re the people who keep advocating for these governments. For the record I don’t think you can find me ever saying that homeowners or even landlords are bad people just because of those characteristic, however it’s clear our interests do not align.

    pay their fair share of taxes

    The fair portion is what’s up for dispute right now.