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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • It also has teenage girls date raping their dad. Instructions on how to give an abortion, the punishment of a pregnancy being lost through intentional means, which is far less than the punishment for murder, at least five genders, a man being punished by God for FAILING to nut in his brothers wife, which is LAW, God doing horrible shit to Job just to have a laugh, and Jesus going hard against a fruit tree even though the time of figs was not.

  • Everyone I talk to says watch TV shows in the language, you get better at hearing and understanding more fluently, for my dad English was his second language and he gave me a lot of tips about getting fluent with a language. One learn all the swear words, avoid accidently saying them, and know when people are attacking you, let go of translating, gato isn’t cat, gato is gato. Don’t translate, that’s a skill in and of itself that’s very challenging to aquire. His brothers made fun of him for making faces on sounds, particularly sounds not found in his native language, don’t avoid that, sink IN to sounds outside your language roll those rr’s until you sound like your purring, hit those gutteral sounds hard, and soften those native sounds that don’t belong. LET GO of feeling embarrassed, be a goof, say things you don’t understand, make people laugh, you can’t be precious about it. Dork it up! My dad still had an accent, but he was one of two out of his four siblings that had complete fluency.

  • The sitting president is the leader of his party. That’s the rule. He’s a sitting president, he has to get someone else to run, preferably WAY before now, but that looks like ‘‘I’m a bad president’’ which usually throws the election to the other party.

    In reality, the president isn’t running the country solo, you’re voting for administrative appointments. We know who Trump will appoint, out of the two I’ll stick with the Biden admin.

  • Except Trump is also an old fool. It’s not better to say with clear speaking that he wasn’t responsible for all the things he screwed up, that he didn’t BADLY botch covid response, that he didn’t hand out money, that he didn’t support the vaccine he also took credit for making, that Jan 6 didn’t happen, that Charlottesville didn’t happen, that he didn’t call the neo nazis who killed a person ‘fine people’ that he didn’t stoke violence very intentionally. That he didn’t tell Proud Boys ‘‘stand down and stand by’’ that he isn’t calling for a dictatorship if he ever gets elected.

    Yes. Biden has a speech impediment, and clearly struggles with that particularly now that he’s getting quite old. But what he said wasn’t insane claims that reality is in fact not reality.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    1 day ago

    Bush was clearly the face man of an executive admin that he didn’t run, he was s figure head. Clinton, it was assumed by the press and a lot of the voter base wasn’t running his admin, the first term Hillary was said to be running things and a slew of technocrats was assumed his second term, Reagan, we now know historically, was experiencing Alzheimer’s all through out his presidency, much like Trump, he also had a strict schedule of not even pretending he showed up to work.

    There’s nothing wrong with electing the face of an administration you want in office, this is largely Obama’s admin still running the government, that’s what we all want. Unkie Joe can take all the naps he wants, it make no real difference.