now canada needs to invest in proper public transportation, so in the future people wouldn’t need to buy a car just for day to day life.
now canada needs to invest in proper public transportation, so in the future people wouldn’t need to buy a car just for day to day life.
And what metadata is Signal leaking?
We don’t know. We don’t have access to what’s running on their servers. (yes i know that the source code is available, but there’s no way to check if that’s the same thing running on the servers). And this is a problem for me: i have to trust a walled garden.
The government seizing an entire batch of amazon servers seems unrealistic
Usually the government goes there a just takes whatever is in the rack they want. Screw the legal business that are there. That’s what happened with the pirate bay raid. If the US government wants to shut it down. It just needs to knock on the amazon door.
the data would be encrypted anyway. Do they even store messages on servers, anyway?
The problem is that you have to trust them. You have to trust a chain of organizations based in the US. Signal pays millions (who pays for this? i have my doubts that monthly donations will pay for this forever) to amazon for the servers. So using them and sending them money is the same as giving money to amazon.
If you are fine with these risks, then use it. Better using signal than using messenger and whatsapp.
I register on reddit 17 years ago. Before the great migration from digg. I remember /r/programming being the first sub to reach 100k subscribers.
I got banned for saying in the /r/europe sub that russia banning youtube in russia was a good thing because then we in the west would get less russian propaganda. Got banned for a couple days. Left and never looked back.
/r/programming is dead already since around a decade. All the good discussions moved to hackernews and lobsters.
EDIT: never forget that spez admitted to silently edit user comments that criticized him
The app already has Jitsi Meet invitations integration.
That’s cool!
I’m not going to change my IM app, because i’m happy with, but it’s nice to know of alternatives.
yes. Metadata. some protocols leak more info than the others.
Also servers in only one place (institution), only makes it easier for the government to go to that place and seize them.
Email isn’t a good protocol for instant messaging (it wasn’t designed for real time communication and it lacks some features like typing indicators or voice/video calls)
Why would you prefer XMPP? Last time I checked most features (like E2EE) weren’t part of the base protocol.
Just because it is not part of the base protocol, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or supports it.
I like it for personal reasons. Just because is lightweight and there are way much more servers than matrix, imho makes it better. However, In the end it boils down to personal preferences and your attack surface.
It supports mail, but also has an encrypted normal chat backend AFAIK
WHen i tried it years ago, it was just a normal email with a special subject that the delta chat client would read, parse and display.
Maybe add Signal; It’s easier than Element, but it’s also centralized
signal runs on amazon servers. Anything that can’t self host and isn’t federate isn’t worth it. Matrix (and element) fill this requirement. But IMHO, the best is XMPP where you can self-host or use federated servers located in other countries.
Maybe add Delta chat
Delta chat is basically email.
Remove Stremio
Why? Because it’s torrents?
Other alternatives would be viaplay or britbox. Unfortunately there’s no legal alternative that’s available in all europe.
Add aurora
Aurora is just a front-end for google playstore. You should add f-droid
It’s valid for any server. But for signal messaging is even worse than the competitors because it’s centralized.
Correct. With signal there’s no way to escape the US government, but with matrix (or other federated protocol) you can make it harder, so it won’t be worth it the resources spent. You can also host it where the US government don’t have any reach.
But who is more trustworthy? The US government or the swiss government?
Also, the point is to avoid american services. Signal is an american service.