Everything on the Internet is public domain.

If I disappear for 3 weeks, assume I’m dead.

  • 64 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I think the bot is fine in principle. The YouTube web site is fucking terrible and it’s nice to introduce people who don’t use automatic redirects or 3rd party clients to an alternative.

    My problem is that it would offer only piped.video links. We don’t know how long the piped.video instance will work, but well that’s the case for any instance. Ideally a bot would provide at least two links - piped and invidious, and maybe cycle or randomly choose instances. Perhaps under a spoiler tag.

    Of course it’s up to community mods to choose, but I think bots like this or the tldr bot provide value even if they can cause that “Reddit moment”.

  • I feel like that’s a game that needs a big screen to be enjoyed, can’t imagine playing on a handheld.

    It’s one of the few games where I went to collect all the collectibles, because I loved the exploration, environment, atmosphere and mostly the controls too.

    It also looked incredible for the time - I first played it on PC when it came out, later on PS3 where it was only fine if quite downgraded. Yea the presentation and sense of wonder are very important for that feel.

    Some of the action is way over the top, especially in later parts, and the amount of abuse Lara survives is just stupid. It’s one of those “ludonarrative dissonance” games for sure.

  • Not just with itself, also with other elements. Say, you won’t find pure iron in the wild either, because normally it reacts with oxygen so well.

    But yea oxygen needs to pair with something because its outer electron shell is incomplete. So pairing with another oxygen atom is likely, but also with whatever else is available - nitrogen, iron, whatever.

    Most elements are found in molecules really, with the exception of noble gasses like Helium. And some are less reactive than others.